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Tom Gist "B.A.D" ipod touch music production history

I posted this via Facebook a couple of days ago but thought you might of missed it. It is quite long though.

iPod Touch at the Apple Store

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I Take that back about BM.
Its just as good as the rest of them.

The way this guy was talking about how he "Made History". I was expecting a little more than 1 loop and a basic beat.

Marlene DeGrood said...

I wish I could get that excited about my simple creations .... but then again .... maybe not.

Grumpy Tank said...

"The reason we're here today is to do a PSA."

OMG! When he said that after coming down the stairs I was SO frightened that he was going to do a Prostate Specific Antigen test. You guys know what I'm talking about.

That would have been .... just wrong.

So, I am so very thankful that he did not do a live prostate test. But after thinking about it, I am not so thankful that I spent all that time waiting for something to happen, and it never did. Did I miss something about how "deep" it all was? Maybe its just way over my head. And that's why I'm not a big shot producer, I guess. But I did get a good score on my PSA test. Just another thing to be thankful about.