iPhone App Directory

Quixpin DJ update

Quixpin DJ hasn't had an update for a long time now, so it is good to see that the app is still be developed. Here's what's new:
  • iPhone Library Access (for iOS 4.1 and above)
  • iTunes file sharing (for iOS 3.2 and above)
  • Audio engine performance enhancements for both newer and older devices
  • Bug fixes

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Dj Agent M said...

thanks for this. Finally the bar has been raised. Probably the worst looking ios dj app but has the key features a proper cue and a proper library access instead of import.

you might want to publish the price bargin for £1.19

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't know if it's the worst looking one. Guess you never tried Hot Wax DJ Player. Haha. Every app I've tried I have a critique about. Cue Play DJ is too cluttered. DJ Mixer wants to charge you extra for some basic features. DJ Player and Sonorasaurus don't have proper wav form view. Touch DJ always crashes on me. Quixpin, I'd like to have everything on one screen.

Toyo said...

Please update Touch DJ to the latest 2.3.1, it is the most stable TDJ ever. Hope this will help.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Toyo,

I will give it a shot! Maybe I can really see what it's made of.

Chad said...

Spend some time with it man. You'll be pleasantly surprised. The updates made all the difference in TouchDJ 2. It's far and above the best DJ app out there right now.

vnllnv said...

Delighted to give quixpin a quick spin - in fairness, it costs less than a cup of coffee. Will probably do my head in trying to actually mix with it, but it should have it's uses, for casual loungin around seguing from A to B aimlessly. Bugs me that the iPod playlists aren't listed as spec'ed within iTunes - all default to a sequential alphanumeric listing which bear zero relation to any conditions you might have implied within a playlist (e.g. I like to have mine display as date added, with the newest at the top). The record function is handy for flinging together a scrappy mix to share. Come on CuePlay and Touch DJ, pull yer finger out and get bloody well coding already.

vnllnv said...

Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatency. Useless for beat mixing basically. BPM detection is very dodgy, if it bothers to even actually register anything. Waveform visual is too narrowly focussed, it's impossible to see when a track is approaching the end. Is it worth €1.59 ? For beatless ambient mixes and lazy assed fades, and for the recording of those very lazy assed mixes, it's worth it. iPod library access could be better (more accurate), which in fairness may not be due to any lack of effort on the devs behalf. Still, it should encourage the bigger players to integrate library access into their apps.