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RD3 Groovebox on Android

I was playing with this on my San Francisco the other day and quite liked it. It's a nice little groovebox app that I think I would have been really pleased with on my iPhone a year or so ago, but now I've been completely spoilt for these types of apps by iOS.

It is a shame really as there's nothing wrong with this app at all, in fact I think it is a good little drum and bass sequencer, but that is it, and it is almost impossible not to compare it with it's bigger iOS buddies.

What I'd like to see is more developers taking on Android and moving the platform forward in terms of mobile music.

I'm going to keep on installing and trying out Android apps, and I'll keep you posted on what I'm using.

So if you are an Android user and you haven't tried RD3 as yet then I can really recommend it as a good Android music maker. Give it a try.

Clip to Evernote

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It is a shame really as there's nothing wrong with your grades Suzie, in fact I think they were good, but that is it, and it is almost impossible not to compare it with Jenny's A++." we all know android apps have a ways to go, what else is new... no need for the passive-agressive-mom thing!

ReLoop is pretty good - the iphone is actually lacking an acid clone like this. The closest thing I know of is probably multitrack daw, but it's not as loop focused. File sharing also makes something like this more usable.

Su-Preme MPA is still in beta, but has a lot of potential. Although it's limited at the moment, the workflow makes me think about what I'm doing in the way good hardware does. There is a bit of a learning curve and you need to know how to optimize latency by killing the right background processes. But if you know what you're doing, it's not that far off from an MPC500 on your phone.

TapeMachine is also pretty slick for field recording.

game boy emulator + game boy nanoloop is also fun. I would like to try LSDJ but the wav channels don't seem to work.

Uloops is powerful, but I would have to get over my psychological block against paying a subscription and cloud-based rendering before I can use it.

There's also jasuto...

I'm also looking into doing some sound programming on the device with Rubato IRB.

I have both an ipod touch and an android, and I loves my nanostudio as much as the next gal/guy, but there are some interesting open avenues unique to android. E.g. without the developer fee/marketplace restriction, I'm looking forward to writing my own little audio tools and downloading them right on the phone!

Have fun android-ing!