iPhone App Directory

OMGuitar on sale

Amidio have put the price down to $11.99.

OMGuitarâ„¢ Advanced Guitar Synth - Amidio Inc.

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Anonymous said...

I can only see this one heading for the 99 cent bargain bin. OMG!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit tempted. But should I get this? I might want it to be so much more than it is..

Anonymous said...

the free piano star from amidio crashing on my iT4G it looks like pianostar, noise io and hexatone do this according to posts on the amidio site.

Does non of the apps work on the newest lpod?

Is there a workaround to make it work?

Sigmund said...

They should rename it.
It's not a guitar, its a crotch fiddle!

Anonymous said...

that would be a nice duo with the buttrumpet