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Feedback on the mobile version

I've had a little bit of feedback on the mobile version of the blog, which is great, but I'd like to hear a bit more. Does it work ok on different devices etc, and let me know if there are any problems.

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rondema said...

Having got used to navigating non-mobile formatted pages using Safari I find mobile versions of pages overly simplified, yet requiring more tapping and page loading to access the same info.
Hitting the 'view web version' link at the bottom of the page is easy enough though, it's good to have options!

Even without a retina display I prefer a lot of pinch and zoom :)

brian said...

A mobile version of any website is always a frustrating experience. Less info, more twiddling. But your set up is tidy and works perfectly on my ipod touch 4g.

Mat said...

Thanks to Rondema for the "view web version" info. I didn't scroll down enough to find it. Maybe having it on top of the page as well would be nice. I think I'll stick to the web version but I appreciate the kind intention to offer us palm-held device users a specific version. As a side note, it works well on my iPod touch 3rd gen with Safari but maybe on some other devices which are less web-able is it a better option to use a purely mobile interface with less/smaller pictures.

Thanks again Ashley for your excellent work.


Icepulse said...

Works for me. I personally appreciate a one-thumb solution, when using he iPhone. Pinch and zoom rules, but if it isn't necessary, I'd prefer not to. Your updates are often brief, and unaccompanied by images, so this mobile version is perfect.

Mat said...

Just to let you know that when I tried to write a post on the mobile interface after having chosen the profile, the text box didn't display fully, hiding part of my text.

Dj Agent M said...

found logging in to comment hard

Anonymous said...

I can't search the articles with the mobile version?

Anonymous said...

I prefer the mobile version...It loads much quicker than the full version.. I think I will actually use the mobile version on my computer too. The website loads painfully slow even on my computer... It's the slowest site I visit on a regular basis..

Anonymous said...

for me a step backwards
but wasnt the last version a mobile one

it was already different from from the full site
I get on my mac.

posting much less easy now
sometimes commend does not get posted now
and no pictures

Richard Lawler said...

Nice job. Works well for me except that signing into an account causes the comment you've written to get lost.