iPhone App Directory

Mixtikl 2 launch day

It has come at long last. Mixtikl V2 has arrived. At least the desktop and Windows Mobile versions at any rate. It will be up to Apple to decide when the iPhone version lands.

If you're wondering what Mixtikl is then read my post that tries to explain the app in a bit more detail.

No doubt I'll be posting more on this today and in the days to come and of course will be especially interested in your views.

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Pete Cole said...

The site is now updated, Mixtikl 2 is available!


Anonymous said...

I would love some kind of guide to your usual workflow in this app - basically how to create a simple piece. i've started fiddling with it (and reading the documentation at the same time) but I'm not finding it all that intuitive. A beginner's tutorial would be very much appreciated. Ok..back to fiddling...