A rather strange looking app for iOS. Here's the rather scant details:
"PicoMML" is a MML sequencer application to play with 8 bit game sound.
**** after iPhone 3GS is needed ****
--- Syntax ---
cdefgab — note
r — rest
@t — track
@ — tone
@e — envelope
@k — step up or down notes (key transpose)
@b — setp up or down notes (set value by cent)
v — volume
l — specifies the default length of notes (or rests)
o — octave
>, < — step up or down one octave @v — master volume @o — set the direction of the octave command(>, <) @s — set a position to start playing /: / :/ — repeat /* */ — comment $X{ } — macro (XY) — portamento (from noteX to noteY)
"**** after iPhone 3GS is needed ****"
Does he/she mean after iPhone 3GS- ie iPhone 4?
iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4?
I downloaded this and it runs on a 3GS. Now to figure out the syntax. Anyone have any luck with this so far?
There are some good MML tutorials out there. Nullsleep has one on his website, just ignore the MCK part, you won't be needing it for this. MCK is an MML compiler for the NES.
For those not familiar with MML, it's a macro based music language, nowadays mainly used to write chiptunes. It's popular in Japan for writing music for the sharp x68000 (which has an FM sound chip) and also the NES. It has been expanded to include many other sound chips in the "newer" compilers, like PPMCK (NES+ expansion chips), and xpmck (lots of chips).
Basically you write a score on a text file using the general MML syntax, the you use a compiler that turns the text file into a binary or music file (NSF, vgm, etc) for whichever console you are composing for. Depending on which compiler you are using, the syntax can be expanded to include synth parameters to edit the timbre of the voices instead of just note info.
This dev doesn't give any info on what chip/compiler is being used, so you don't know what command/macros are being supported. But it's a pretty safe bet it's NES, with the MCK compiler, it seems to be the most popular. If that's the case, Nullsleeps tutorial is a great bet.
Since the compiler and a sound chip emulator seem to be built into the app, some of the tutorial doesn't apply.
PS I know MML is not just made for chiptune, I'm just trying to keep it relevant to the app and it's primary function NOWADAYS.
@kid versus chemical
Thanks for the link and the information!
reminds me of my yamaha cx5mII.....
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