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Kindle Fire to arrive tomorrow

At least it'll be announced anyway if you believe the various rumours. I have to say that I like the name quite a lot, and I'll be interested to see what this device is like although from what I've heard so far it isn't going to appeal to the mobile music community too much. We'll see what it's like for real when the announcement comes tomorrow.

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Garloo said...

Amazon is uniquely positioned to make a great tablet experence due to their content stores for books, movies and apps.

I think this direct access to unique content will realy make their tablet stand out as something different from Apple.

Pierre said...

I agree that Amazon can make a truly great Android tablet but I'm not entirely certain how this product will differentiate itself from the Nook tablet.

At any rate, since it's going to be an Android device, then I just don't see it being particularly useful for mobile music making unless you're talking about drum machine apps and those types of sequencers such as Caustic.

This will be positioned as an e-book reader that also provides convenient e-mail and the internet access.