iPhone App Directory

energyXT price drop

EnergyXT has dropped in price from $9.99 to $6.99.

energyXT - XT Software AS

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Marlene DeGrood said...

Can anybody recommend this?

Tom TM said...

Good question.

It's getting there, and it has potential- but eXT needs much more work.

Marlene DeGrood said...

@Tom TM ... kind of what I was thinking ... it just doesn't seem ready for prime time to me.

mr_infamy said...

There is supposed to be a new version in the works that might step it up a notch.

Tom TM said...

I found it quite clunky. There wasn't really much of a fluid flow to the interface. The quantise resolution is only 16ths as well. Also the piano roll was awkward and clumsy.

But the chord buttons were interesting- although not exactly easy to work out how to program them.

I think what this app mainly suffers from is a lack of refinement and performance optimisation, the latter being an important point, because all the video demos have obviously been done in the iPhone simulator within Xcode. The problem with that being that any desktop is likely to be much faster than a real iPhone or iPad.