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Remember Sprak, now there's PalmSprak!

PalmSprak is the Palm Sounds version of the awesome little noise app Sprak.

So if you like making noises and want to celebrate the Palm Sounds 5th birthday then take a look at PalmSprak!

Oh yes, and the app is only $0.99

PalmSprak - Tinker Team

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dswo said...

1. What happened to the sliders?

2. (When) will the regular version get the unicorn?

Garloo said...

Is there any differerence from the regular version than the cool graphics? Does it sound different?

Tom said...

it does sound different.

I like the dancing unicorn too!! LOL!
It's a mad app, but not quite as mad as topplapp or Riscy :)

Scott M2 said...

Sprak and PalmSprak sound both related and distinct.
I quite like the PalmSprak version, though Lynn thinks the unicorn should be set free!

dswo said...

Now that I have both apps, I can answer my two questions.

1. The Palm app has fewer sliders because it generates sound differently.

2. "Raving mad unicorn under the hood" means "a new and different sound generator" rather than "new and improved version of the old sound generator."