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Palm Sounds, 5 years in pictures: Windows Mobile and Sunvox

Even though I haven't used Windows Mobile in a while now but I used to use my old Dell Axim for Sunvox and Griff, and the beer helped too.

Clip to Evernote


johnnyg0 said...

And when it will be all grown up, it will become just like this : http://www.engadget.com/2011/05/25/meego-conference-2011-sights-and-sounds-video/


.. btw you are missing on a lot of non-IOS mobile music stuff lately.

ashley said...

Johnnyg0, what stuff specifically?

johnnyg0 said...

For one I wouldn't thought I'd see that Indamixx video on Engadget :D, and the rest, well actually its a mix of IOS and non-IOS news, here is what I could gather before going home.

Monotribe: It looks like there will be an app to sync the monotribe, you can see the app at the end of this video. I think they are syncing two monotribes and iElectribe on an ipad.

Mikrosonic RD3 Groovebox for Android

The new ipad2 only features in djay for iPad

The Amen app (some will find it lame, but c'mon its the Amen beat sliced :)

Mopho DJ controller concept (not very practical, but still fun)

The World’s First Album Made On An Android Phone (I don't usually care about "firsts", but as there was many "firsts" IOS listed here I was surprised to not find this one here)http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2011/05/13/free-music-friday-the-worlds-first-album-made-on-an-android-phone/

TouchOSC has been released for Android

ashley said...

Johnnyg0, thanks for this, I did actually cover some of these stories, like the RD3 which I've posted on many times, and album on Android and TouchOSC as well.

That's not the point though. For me, the point is that perhaps I'm not getting to all the news that you'd expect.

I do try to keep on top of everything mobile music related, but it is getting bigger and bigger on a daily basis and as a result more difficult to manager as well.

So I'm giving some serious thought to how to address this issue. And I'll post that as soon as I've come up with something.

I hope that's ok with you Johnnyg0?