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KORG SyncKontrol for monotribe [iPhone App]

This is AWESOME! It really makes me want to get a Monotribe now and connect it using WIST to some iPads.


iPads at the Apple Store

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Anonymous said...

So that's why Korg's iPad apps were searching for iPhones in Bluetooth. Awesome

I'm getting a monotribe

Garloo said...

This is awsome!

Korg really has been thinking outside the box.

I wonder if their new drum thing is going to be able to do somthing like this.

johnnyg0 said...

Even cooler is how this app is not necessary, the monotribe only needs a pulse to sync (it could be a bass drum track only and it would work), but yet Korg went ahead and did an app to make things even easier.

Mine has been preordered for weeks :)

freesoulvw said...

I checked the app store for the app and it's not up yet. Not like I have a mono anyway :)