Last night I tried it out on my iPad for the first time and although I don't think I can put my finger on why it is so much better on the iPad, I can tell you that it is. Perhaps it is something to do with the additional screen space or that it is simply a lot more powerful than my old iPhone 3G, but running ThumbJam on the iPad was excellent.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what new iPad specific features come out next for ThumbJam
in the next release, it can only get better from here.
Bigger is better. People try to deny it, but the iPad is the better (i)device for making music.
I'll try this out.
I can't imagine anyone trying to deny it. All apps are significantly better on the pad; it's basic physics (bigger = better).
The only thing that isn't better on the iPad is accelerometer stuff... it's just more unwieldy to shake than an iPhone/iPod.
Know what you mean about the accelerometer on the iPad. Agreed.
Accelerometer on the iPad? If you can shake a guitar for vibrato, you can shake an iPad!
Besides, the larger playing jsurfacemof the iPad makes it all worth while on an app like ThumbJam, I just tried it out based on Ashley's post here today, and I'm so blown away, it's really great!
I used to think that Jordan Rudess totally ripped off BeBot, but now I know he ripped off ThumbJam, which by the way, is a much better app, and a whole $3 cheaper! :)
Nice. Now the Thumbjam rainbow ugliness with its mix of custom and original controls is spread over an even bigger area. I cant wait... :-/
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