iPhone App Directory

OP-SCHOOL 10: Tombola (video)

This video is covering the Tombola sequencer on the OP-1 Portable Synthesizer. It is part of a series of OP-1 training videos.

For more information please click on the annotated links in the video or follow the links below:

OP-SCHOOL 01: Overview http://youtu.be/9Pm13Gk1jt4
OP-SCHOOL 02: Synth http://youtu.be/E7GEzeir2wE
OP-SCHOOL 03: Drum http://youtu.be/VBwU-d_WDmU
OP-SCHOOL 04: Tape http://youtu.be/JLDP40_ZiI4
OP-SCHOOL 05: Mixer http://youtu.be/R_Htj0DPzRo
OP-SCHOOL 06: Endless http://youtu.be/TdoLz7I7YVs
OP-SCHOOL 07: Finger http://youtu.be/N-rv2xO-MNc
OP-SCHOOL 08: Sketch http://youtu.be/ku4fMuWGz00
OP-SCHOOL 09: Pattern http://youtu.be/Cl-_0b19zbQ
OP-SCHOOL 10: Tombola http://youtu.be/SHoDUCAd4-I

OP-1s (on eBay)

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