One platform I haven't really looked into much is the Amiga platform. There's a very good (or so I hear) emulator for Amiga available here. Although I've not got around to trying it out as yet.

I never used the Amiga when it was around although I had a friend who was into using trackers on the Amiga and I had a play once and found it interesting enough.
I had a quick search and found that there's a fair bit of software available for the Amiga platform around, most of which is available for free. However, I don't know too much about the software available or how useful it will be.

So, is it worth it? I don't know. My emulation experiments so far haven't proved terribly useful at all. So, will this be any different?
I'm not sure, at present I'm in two minds about the whole emulation thing. In one way I'd like to be able to make it work for real, and yet in another way I think that it really isn't got to go anywhere long term so I should give it up now.
What would be nice is to find a really useful application for one of the platforms I can emulate, that works well in an emulator, and then get it up and running. Sadly I haven't found that app as yet. If I do I'll let you know.

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