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Auxy arrives bringing uncomplicated beat making to your iPad

It's great to see Auxy out in the world at last. I've been playing with the app in beta for a long time and I really like just how simple, straightforward and uncluttered the interface is.

It's a really great way to make music.

So here's what you need to know about Auxy ...

Introducing a new way to make electronic music. Create your own drums, bass lines, and synth melodies. Auxy is modern beat making without distractions.

Auxy introduces a new way to make modern music on iPad. With a clean interface, stripped of unnecessary complexity, it encourages users to dive straight into the creative process and explore modern beat making without distraction. With Auxy you create drums, bass lines and melody loops by drawing notes instead of recording instruments in real time. Loops can then be mixed and recorded to create your own beats.

”Creating modern music should be more about music and less about technology” says Henrik Lenberg, co­-founder and CEO of Auxy. With co-­founder Fredrik Gadnell, he wants to get more people involved in creating modern music styles like EDM, house, and hip hop. “A lot of people would love to make modern music but feel it’s too complicated to get started. Our app removes technical barriers to give everyone a better experience.”

“We were really tired of ‘spreadsheet music making’—where creation feels more like work and complicated tools turn creativity into frustration. Auxy is about making more with less. It’s amazing to see how creative people get when you simplify the experience.”

Let us know what you think via feedback@auxy.co or @auxyco

Auxy is free to download from the app store:


Anonymous said...

Question! How to do a bass drop? I've got the drum kit portion down, but for the actual BASS afterwards... Not so much

Anonymous said...

Question! How to do a bass drop? I've got the drum kit portion down, but for the actual BASS afterwards... Not so much