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Now we are 6 ... and some thoughts on mobile music

It has been almost five months since I last posted at Palm Sounds. At that point I said that the site would not be restarted for the foreseeable future. I don't know what the foreseeable future is on the Internet or on the blogosphere but five months is a long time in either.
So why post now?

Well I just couldn't let Palm Sounds 6th birthday go unnoticed. Especially as 6 years is a long time to run for a blog, and also because I wanted to post some thoughts on what's been happening in the mobile music world, where it's going and what that direction might mean.

So what have I been doing over the last 5 months?

Well quite a lot actually. Not as much fun stuff as I'd have hopes but a lot of catching up and regaining some personal balance. Having said that I've still kept an eye on what's been happening in the mobile music world and it's been really quite interesting.

I've both attended and spoken at events on the subject of mobile music and those events have given me a different view of what's happening in the mobile music world. It also gave me the opportunity to talk to some really interesting people and those conversations have developed my thinking even further.

In many ways having some time to sit back from the day to day happenings in mobile music has allowed me to develop these thoughts or themes that had been knocking around my head for some time. It's these themes that I decided that I would share, and what better way than as a little celebration of Palm Sounds being 6.

So what are these themes?

Well they're quite diverse and cover topics from the mobile music economy to the nature of mobile music itself. The ideas or themes may not be ground breaking in of themselves and you may not agree with them but I wanted to share them with the mobile music community to see if they encouraged debate.

So over the next few days I plan to post these a day at a time and if anyone is still reading this blog then I hope you find them interesting, thought provoking and of some use.


Miguel said...

I'm interested in reading more.

iamadan said...

Good to see you again! Glad I kept your blog in my reader... :-)

Doc Pop said...

Sweet! Looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Great. I'll be watching.

Nick said...

Welcome back, Ashley! Really looking forward to reading your thoughts.

Slipperman said...

I have been waiting Ashley, PLEASE COME BACK!

Slipperman said...

I have been waiting Ashley, PLEASE COME BACK!

Tom TM said...

Welcome home Ashley!

cbm said...

Welcome back.

cbm said...

Welcome back!

Chip Boaz said...

Congrats on 6 years of Palm Sounds Ashley! That's a long time to run a blog, even with a five month break. You've been missed - Palm Sounds was always such a great source of news and information.

I'm really looking forward to your insights on the current state of mobile music. There's some interesting things going on right now, and it seems as if things are just getting started.

There's definitely people still reading - I'm looking forward to the next couple of days!

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear from you again Ashley! I really look forward to hearing what you have to say!

shelf index said...

welcome back!!

shelf index said...

welcome back!!!

Anonymous said...

A shame about the TouchSound podcast. That one really had potential, and the only left of it is the cafepress merch site....

Anonymous said...

A shame about the TouchSound podcast. That one really had potential, and the only left of it is the cafepress merch site....

Marlow77 said...

I'm eager to hear your thoughts. We do miss you.

Marlow77 said...

I'm eager to hear what you have to say. We miss you.

Garloo said...

He's back !!!! Have missed your great perspective on stuff this is great.

Garloo said...

Yaaaaay Ashley's back!

Matt Hooper said...

How cool is it see palmsounds again?

Great to see you posting Ashley :-)

TMothy73 said...

Hoorah! I'm so glad I checked back here!

Qmish said...

i'm glad you returned

I really haven't found anything instead of palmsounds