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Some important news about the future of Palm Sounds

Well here we are in 2012 already. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I had a fabulous break. It feels like a lot longer than 10 days ago since I posted something here. I've spent a lot of time in the last few days catching up on projects and ideas that I've been putting off doing or starting as I simply haven't had the time over the last few months, and I think that this has really been a catalyst in coming to an important decision about the future of Palm Sounds.

This blog has been around for just over 5 and a half years now and especially in the last 12 months it has required more and more time and effort just to stay on top of everything that's happening in the mobile music world. It now takes up almost, if not all my spare time, and this isn't really a sustainable position.

As a result I've decided to stop writing Palm Sounds from today for the foreseeable future.

The mobile music world is at a point where Palm Sounds has hopefully served a useful purpose in promoting apps and developers to a growing community of users, and I get the feeling that we have moved from a very niche group to something almost approaching the mainstream. When Palm Sounds started there were no other blogs that dealt with mobile music, whereas now there are quite a few mobile specific blogs and sites which have sprung up in the last year or so, and a significant number of mainstream sites are featuring mobile music on a regular basis, so I don't think that Palm Sounds going silent will leave a gap.

Thanks for all the help and support you have given to Palm Sounds over the years. I wish you all the best for the future. I hope you'll stay in touch.



Martin said...

bummer... but totally understandable. Thanks for all the helpful info. I've still made more mobile music on my T3 and Bhajis than I have on any iOS device.

Hope you have a fantastic 2012.

jaybry84 said...

Wow. Sorry to see you go. This was my goto blog for mobile music news. Much luck to you and yours...


Paul said...

Yes, there are others, but this one has always been the best. Really sorry to see this blog go away. You've done remarkable work here.

Paul said...

Yes, there are others, but this one has always been the best. Really sorry to see this blog go away. You've done remarkable work here.

shiv said...

Whereas I understand where you're coming from. I don't think its a question of a gap, or lack thereof.
Inspite of all the other sites. Palmsounds is the one that I started with and still check everyday, once before heading out in the morning and once when I'm back home. This is indeed a sad day. I was looking forward to you posting when you're back from your vacation!

This is there no way this can work? ads? sponsorships? Donations? something that will justify the time that you spend on this?

Although I know I can't handle palmsounds on my own- if there was a team to run it, i'd love to be a part of that team.

vikbit said...

Thanks for your amazing work and hope you the best!

Qmish said...

Oh. This blog was only real mobile music creation site all this years.

big thanks for all

and this blog is in my top 5 sites that i visit

i hope it won't be deleted, right?

and, btw, where would all we go?

andy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
andy said...

If it's not making you happy - then it is time to move on. But please don't underestimate your contribution to mobile music - you WILL leave a gap. Your site is usually my first of the day, because I nearly always find something new and amazing that you've hand picked. The other blogs just didn't match up. Best wishes for the future - and thanks for all the amazing work. And if you reconsider after a break I'll be the first back :)

concretedog said...

Wow Ashley...After meeting up and discussing the workload I'm not surprised... but I can't imagine how long it took you to make that descision and how hard it it must be. Palm sounds has been amazing, I've read it for years and as you know I have a cupboard of stuff Palm Sounds made me buy! Thanks again for posting and supporting my endeavours with the concretedog stuff.

Now to business...I need to hear an album of 60 1minute songs from you this year with your new found free time! (And I've not forgotten randrum 2 either!)

Speak Soon.

Sigmund said...

Thanks for the effort you put into this site over the years, mate. It was appreciated.

Johan said...

awww, fuck.

Sad to see you go, but I understand, I really really do. I have a hard time doing the same thing for a month, less alone five years.
Hope yo see more from you in the future in other venues, and good luck and thanks.

ken said...

Sorry to see this blog go, but I totally understand. Thanks for all the time you put into it over the years. It was a heavy influence on my love of music and technology. I wish you all the best.

HLindal said...

I have great respect for that decision! I think it is sad, but I was not surprised.

Thanks for all the great blogging! And good luck with your own projects++ and hope to see you around on the next good mobilemusic site. (if that happens?)

Really hope that someone will step it up and create a place for everyone that will miss palm sounds...

Daren said...

Aww, that is a real shame, but I can see your point. I'll echo what others have said, this will leave a gap - the original and the best. But life comes first, so best of luck and thanks for a great 5 years ;)

robman84 said...

Thanks for everything Ashley. I think we will all miss Palm Sounds but I hope you stick around on other blogs. I hope your freed up time means you get to do more music making and fun projects.

Not sure which other blogs will be as relevant to me now, but any suggestions welcome.

All the best for 2012


NightRadio said...

Oh... Sad news :( Your blog was really the best!
I hope you will continue working with mobile music experiments, even without PalmSounds!
Good luck Ashley!

rob said...

sorry ashley, I respect your decision, but I can't accept it.
so, back tomorrow then ?!

Chris said...

Poop! :(

PS was the go-to site for ios music related news. Kinda like Toucharcade is for games, Appadvice and Tuaw for Apps. No chance at bringing other people in to help with Palm Sounds? Make it grow? I honestly didn't know this was a one man show! :)

Either thanks alot for all your work.

Robert said...

Thank you for all your work! I was reading your blog more than I was working or reading World news. Palm Siulds will be greatly missed. Best wishes and success in your future ventures.

Anonymous said...

Something that hadn't occurred to me, before I got involved, is how much time it really takes to do all this. You're a musician, and that demands a lot of time in and of itself. It is a pretty shitty feeling to not be able to spend time making music because of some intangible responsibility to readers/viewers. I know I sometimes feel a whole week will just fly past me and all I've done is tool around in apps without doing much musicing. That is why I pace myself; doing ECPM lessons every other week, and reviewing only apps that interest me.

I think you're very wrong about your importance to the community, and there will indeed be a huge gap left by your absence. I have always kept my site away from general blogging and focused only on my content, mostly out of respect for you and not wanting to step on the toes that helped lift me up when I was starting. The other major bloggers also have their own specific niches within niches; no one quite does what you do here. We'll all miss you very much, but I understand your decision. Thanks a lot for all the time you dedicated to us over the years!

Trueyorky said...

This is not a good start to 2012 but good luck and best wishes. Thanks for your hard work and efforts with this fantastic blog.

woodsdenis said...

Oh dear. This is without doubt my go to site for mobile/iOS news. There may be others, but you are really always first with news and links.

woodsdenis said...

Oh dear. This is without doubt my go to site for mobile/iOS news. There may be others, but you are really always first with news and links.

Qmish said...

but btw, who will write "best apps of 2011"..

Unknown said...

This is a sad day, and like many others have said you need to do what's best for you!

This is the only site I use for IOS music apps. I've probably passed this site around to friends two dozen time by word of mouth.

You've saved me time and money by always being on the ball. I cant count how many times I felt like a kid on Christmas when I find out I could get a new and usually amazing App for the Launch price!!!!

Thanks so much!

I hope that maybe this blog can live on with a team of people working on it. I would like to contribue my time if such a team was put together....keep the ball rolling!!!

Thanks again!!

deadretro said...

Sorry to hear the news. You are my Number one for info on all mobile music making apps.Its up to you now iDesighnSound http://t.co/s2LCJpH

deadretro said...

This is sad news :(
Goodluck with what you do next.I Guess that just leaves iDesignSound for my mobile music making apps info http://t.co/s2LCJpHdo.
You will be missed.

Mads Steen said...

Thank you Palm Sounds, and good luck!


RobinOC said...

I agree with everyone else, that Palm Sounds was their first site of the day to check with (and many times throughout the day). The vast majority of music apps I've bought is because I read about them here first.

Have you considered handing off the majority of, or all, the responsibility to a fellowship of those wanting to see Palm Sounds continue on?

Your site has been my educator in my foray into IOS music creation. I will miss it more than you can imagine.

Thanks for all you've done for the community over the years. It seems far too short a time together.

Robert Jensen

Sasa Rasa said...

PalmSounds has given me lots of news, tips, app promos that I won, and alerts on price drops.
Where to find all that now? There's no other place like this blog. Come on Ashley. I'll be more than happy even if you reduce the traffic to just one post a day, but please don't kill PalmSounds

dokwok said...

Wow. I'm sure Ashley wouldn't have done this without careful forethought but, as others have said, his absence _will_ leave a gap.

Suggestion for Ashley: if, in two months, you get the itch to write about your experience again, don't try to cover "All the News That's Fit to Print." Just write about what you care about. There are, it's true, several other sites that reprint PRESS RELEASES, but those aren't the same as personal reflections or evaluations. It's the latter that I think most of us value.

cyberheater said...

I completely understand your position and thank you very much for providing so much interesting news and views over the years.
This was my number one goto site for mobile music news so will be sorely missed.

I know it's a long shot but I wonder if the community can somehow maintain it?

michael nervous said...

Thanks for everything Ashley!

DBM said...

Shit ... This was the only one that stayed on it .

Marlene DeGrood said...

A sad day indeed. I so looked forward to my daily visits here and acquired so much knowledge, I doubt anything will fill the void that will be left in my mobile creation life. I'll also miss all the commenters that, good or bad, I've come to know and appreciate.
I certainly understand how much time and work this blog has been to you and therefore respect your decision. Thank you Ashley and the entire Palm Sounds community .... you all will be greatly missed.

Mr. A said...

Thank you for helping me get back on my feet with making music. When I started working I no longer had the time in the evening every day to write music, but this blog helped me find the programs on mobile devices so that I could stay active with my passion even if only in 15 minute bursts two times a day.

Elliott Fienberg said...

sorry to see you are going. i learned about so many cool little apps from here.

i probably even learned about the best app, nanostudio, from here too. i hope you will reconsider in due time.



orlando said...

really sorry to hear this, Ashley, but obviously, its understandable. the amount of work must have been overwhelming. Palm sounds was my introduction to mobile music making and its been a constant point of reference. I'll miss it. Good luck with whatever you do next!

orlando said...

really sorry to hear this news, Ashley, though its perfectly understandable. The workload must be horrendous. Palm Sounds was my introduction to mobile music and has been a constant source of advice and inspiration. Thanks for the support you've shown to our music and the very best of luck with whatever you do next. Its a big old new year out there!

Qmish said...

someone mentioned iDesignSound?

No, i don't think so IDS is too COLD

while palmsounds have always been WARM

freesoulvw said...

I have been one that also checks this blog on a daily basis. Once in the morning and through out the day.

With the new sonic touch up on YT maybe we will see Ashley on a real "four square"!

I also think that Ashley and his blog ARE leaving a big gap because even though I know where to get the latest and greatest app news on my own I still come here first. This place is kind of like a hub. More then just random news and sale site this place feels like home. Even when there are days when nothing new gets posted it still felt like the anchor was there. I know there is a lot of mobile music web blogs out now but I can guarantee that ore then half of them got their start from either visiting this site or being directed to this site first.

That type of influence should not be taken lightly. I hope that any new project you get your hands on will have an equal impact on the community. Thanks for your hard work.

PS. We know this is the death of palmsounds the site,but don't let this be the death of the man behinde the curtain as well. Some of us think of you as a "friend" even though not a word has been spoken between. Keep us up to date with some sort of "feed" just to enforce the fact your still around!

Thanks for a great year. If you need anything at all feel free to get in touch. Im always down to help out for anything needed.

Sincerely. Gerren. @freesoulvw

freesoulvw said...

I have been one that also checks this blog on a daily basis. Once in the morning and through out the day.

With the new sonic touch up on YT maybe we will see Ashley on a real "four square"!

I also think that Ashley and his blog ARE leaving a big gap because even though I know where to get the latest and greatest app news on my own I still come here first. This place is kind of like a hub. More then just random news and sale site this place feels like home. Even when there are days when nothing new gets posted it still felt like the anchor was there. I know there is a lot of mobile music web blogs out now but I can guarantee that ore then half of them got their start from either visiting this site or being directed to this site first.

That type of influence should not be taken lightly. I hope that any new project you get your hands on will have an equal impact on the community. Thanks for your hard work.

PS. We know this is the death of palmsounds the site,but don't let this be the death of the man behinde the curtain as well. Some of us think of you as a "friend" even though not a word has been spoken between. Keep us up to date with some sort of "feed" just to enforce the fact your still around!

Thanks for a great year. If you need anything at all feel free to get in touch. Im always down to help out for anything needed.

Sincerely. Gerren. @freesoulvw

Scott M2 said...

Wow! I completely understand your need for your own time but do not underestimate the importance of your blogging efforts to all of us. Your site has been vital to the music app scene for users and developers. I always knew I'd hear about anything musically important at PS as you consolidated and curated the IOS news. Count me in as one of many who visited PS morning, noon and night to keep up with the news, the sales and the opinions. I'm sure it must have been overwhelming work for you though. Thanks for all your efforts Ashley. You've made my musical life better. Cheers! Scott M2

ToLTeK said...

It's about bloody time...
iDesignSound rules and there is none of that Android rubbish.
Way to go Palm,
Thumbs Up.

rondema said...

Aaaaagh... Gutted.

Thanks for all you have done with PalmSounds Ashley.. I regret not having made more of a contribution here (as I had promised some time ago, in fact almost a year back now)

I feel like I should light a candle or something :(

All the best in your future endeavours.


Pierre Fontaine said...

Wow...I only just now checked in to see what was new in the world of mobile music making and I get this rather large shock!

As so many others have said, Palm Sounds was certainly on my daily list of go-to websites.

I can understand how you need to prioritize your life Ashley and I can only wish you well as you move forward with the things that you need to do.

I could never keep up with a daily blog and marveled at your ability to keep all of us informed with all the news you saw fit to post.

Palm Sounds will be sorely missed but I certainly want to thank you for five amazing years of news and information from the world of mobile music making.

Chris said...

Ashley/Palm sounds, again if other people would get involved with the site would that make a difference? Mobile/tablet music stuff will only grow from here on out. Obviously that needs more people helping out.

Is cost an issue? I mean Palm Sounds IS the biggest site for mobile music. Seems like an opportunity NOW when "mobile" music creation is really taking of.

Chris said...

"I know it's a long shot but I wonder if the community can somehow maintain it?" - Cyberheater

Ya this. Start with a few people that have the time and know how to check the latest stuff. And go from there? I dunno...I'll help with whatever I can contribute with.

starcorp said...

Thank you for all informations and that amazing work you do!

Moysés Alencar de Carvalho said...

Sad news for us readers. But life is like that. You've helped me many people, now go make hour dreams come true. Good luck with that and thanks for everything!

If you get back someday we'll be here!


Matt Hooper said...

Palmsounds is my number one resource for ios music apps
And will be missed by many.

Thanks for everything Ashley.

Rej said...

Ashley, just wanted to write in to personally say thanks for your support over the last 6 months. Your releases concerning Caustic have driven a lot of traffic (and probably sales) my way and as an indie dev, that's priceless.

There's not a lot of websites that even give Android music apps the time of day so you WILL leave a gap.

Good luck with what ever you do next and thanks again.

Michelle said...

Thanks for the years of news, reviews and support for music companies and fans. Your input will be missed here, but I'm sure we will be hearing more from, about and of you :)

Safranek said...

Thanks for everything Ashley.:(

Dream Pop Art said...

I always start my day with your blg so This will leave a huge gap in my life, anyway thanks for wonderful work.

Anonymous said...

Qmish: Hey, I'm warm at heart really ;-)

Ashley, I only found out about Palm Sounds after starting iDesignSound (on your 5th anniversary when bucket loads of apps went free!). I wish I'd found it sooner, such a great site and community.

Even in the last 6 months you were the reason I craved the Monotron, Monotribe, and most recently the Miditribe - all of which I ended up buying. Where else will I fill my lust for mobile gear!

I wish you all the best, and next time I'm up town I'll let you know so we can go for that pint ;-)


Anonymous said...

Qmish: Hey, I'm warm at heart really ;-)

Ashley, I only found out about Palm Sounds after starting iDesignSound (on your 5th anniversary when bucket loads of apps went free!). I wish I'd found it sooner, such a great site and community.

Even in the last 6 months you were the reason I craved the Monotron, Monotribe, and most recently the Miditribe - all of which I ended up buying. Where else will I fill my lust for mobile gear!

I wish you all the best, and next time I'm up town I'll let you know so we can go for that pint ;-)


iamadan said...

Ashley, best in everything... I'll be keeping Palm Sounds in my RSS reader, so I'll be reading if you come back here!


Anonymous said...


Tanks for the Good Times


Building The Station said...

I still remember the joy when I found Palm Sounds many years ago, when my long commute provided me with the only time to make music. This blog was a huge help with keeping up on the latest updates, releases, news, sales, and contests. It allowed me to converse, discover and share with other mobile musicians, and really provided a home for what was such a small, niche community back then. Things have changed, but Palm Sounds is the place that started it all, and still the best home for the community.

After reading this blog post this morning, I left my house and hopped on the streetcar, then the subway, to make a tribute, because, "It's a sad day (when Palm Sounds goes away)"

Of course this is all made on my iPhone, on the move, the screeches of the subway tracks, fitting for the cries of the mobile community on this sad day.

4ormal said...

2012 is really the end of the world.....

This was seriously my number 1 site and where I got my inspiration to make music again.

So sad.

Again, I'm one of the people who say pass the torch to a team of people that share the same passion as you.

Formal - sheds a tear and pours one out for his dead homie.


obis said...

I feel cheap and degraded. I've been left for "other projects"... I joke but I will be sad not reading your blog. But I would be willing to donate to keep this site going even if it's just a group site without its originator.

Cody said...

Thank you for the blog. It's been one of my "read everyday" blogs. You're posts will be missed greatly. But, nothing lasts forever.

Martin Nielsen said...

Very sad day.. I hope there will come a chance to save this blog with donations and maybe taking in authors to help lighten the workload..

Lee said...

Damn, this was my go to site as well for staying up to date with new music production apps. I was just getting ready to submit my top 10 apps too. Thank you for the time to make what was the best mobile music site out there and happy music making!

Lee said...

Damn, this was my go to site as well for staying up to date with new music production apps. I was just getting ready to submit my top 10 apps too. Thank you for the time to make what was the best mobile music site out there and happy music making!

Qmish said...


ah, that's good. i just meant that your site is strictly info and database

Anonymous said...

A huge thanks again Ashley for all the 'limited time' discounts on iOS apps...you've saved me a small fortune - of course to be balanced out by the huge fortune I've spent on apps after reading about them here first!

I'm sure it was a tough decision to make, but I'm fairly sure we'll see you crop up again...whether it's musically or in type.

Thanks again for a great 5 years, I just need to find somewhere else to focus my OCD page visits on!

pulseminus said...

I can undestand all your reasons, but today is a sad day the same...Pall Sounds has been a real friend for me in this years, the first website I watched every day, an example to follow with my blog, a place where to share my passion for mobile music....it's a very sad day....

pulseminus said...

You make me very sad, Palm Sounds has been a lot of things for me...an example to follow with my blog, a place where to share my passion for mobile music, an everyday consolation for a life that is not so beautiful as I would like...I can understand all your reasons, but it's a sad day the same...

Tom D said...

That's a shame, really enjoyed your blog in the year or so I've been reading it and I've discovered a hell of a lot of cool apps through it. Still, totally understand that it must take a lot of time to keep going so fair play - thanks for all the hard work and good luck for future projects :)

Any recommendations for similar blogs to follow for iOS music apps?


HLindal said...

What I´d like to see (but do not know how to start on my own) is a blog/site that is open for its members to post news, reviews, ideas, questions, music (others or your own). It should be open only for members (but free to join) and I guess the site would need some admins. It could be a place where we post everything related to mobile music, i.e. I´d make a post when I find out Discchord has made a new "ECPM" (or even better he would be a member and post the YT video himself), or when I find a cool YT video showing someone using a PocketPianoMIDI to play a Monotribe(miditribe), and we could even maybe get a post from Ashley now and then sharing his thoughts on mobile music.

I don´t know if there already is a system for creating this, but I am a member of a site called "Underskog" (Norwegian forum) that is just like that. You have a profile in the forum, and everyone can create post in different categories (you´re also free to create categories). That site is open by invitation only, and that could be a good idea for a serious MobileMusic catch-all site as well, to create a sense of community. Not that it should be difficult to get an invitation.. I´d be happy to help and contribute if there is anyone out there that like the idea and has the webdesigning skills to pull it off..

Donald said...

This is sad news. I use to check the site at least 5 times a day if not more. I like the fact that you covered more than just apps. You kept everyone up to date with music technology as a whole.

Thanks for the good times Ashley.
You will be missed.

Unknown said...

Such sad news. Your blog was the first and last one I read each day. I also really enjoyed the user comments of all of your followers. We will surely miss your wonderful blog Ashley! Good luck to your future endeavors! Cheers!!!

Unknown said...

Such sad news. Your blog was the first and last one I read each day. I also really enjoyed the user comments of all of your followers. We will surely miss your wonderful blog Ashley! Good luck to your future endeavors! Cheers!!!

velocipede said...

Shock! But, understandable. Perhaps keep a forum going? Anyhow, thanks for all the info over the years. Good luck in you future projects.

Anonymous said...

@HLindal there is kind of a site like that. Over on Reddit there is a subreddit for iPad Music. It is a good combination of community submissions covering my videos and the music people make with mobile apps.


I think it has the best chance of becoming a new community hub.

Garloo said...

I am so sorry to hear this the Palm Sounds blog has been my moring friend with my morning coffee.

I understand how this blog must have taken over your life. There has been more and more to report on and I think it is great for you to get back to making music instead of writing about how to make music.

Please keep us up to date on all things Ashley!

kid versus chemical said...

I must admit, I'm very sad to see my favorite blog go. But I totally understand where you are coming from. If you are happier, then so I am, I think that goes for all of us as a community.

Thank you so much for all the great information and enjoyment Palm Sounds has given. I hope now that you have more free time we will see you release some more music! After all, creating and enjoying music is the point for all of us here as musicians, mobile or otherwise.

Thanks again!


Unknown said...

Yeah, definitely sad news. This was my daily go-to site for music app news. In it's absence over the holiday, I did some searching for something equivalent, and have yet to find it.

I hope that members of this community can all find themselves a new place to communicate. Would be great to see one more post with any suggestions for where to go from here, or how to contact other members who might be interested in starting a forum or shared blog.

I'm not much of an organizer, but would be glad to help be a moderator, or contributor, on a shared blog. timbehrens at gmail.com

Ashley, thanks for all your hard work. Your site has been a huge influence on my music, and how I go about making it. Best wishes to you and here's hoping all your future projects prosper.


[RogB] said...

sad (and shocking) news, many thanks for the hard work over the years, i've been a regular reader and this place has been a valuable place for information. Im not sure where i will go to for news now :(

[RogB] said...

sad (and shocking) news, many thanks for the hard work over the years, i've been a regular reader and this place has been a valuable place for information. Im not sure where i will go to for news now :(

Anonymous said...

Palm Sounds was the first feed I read in the morning and the last one I checked at night. Thanks for turning me on to BeBot, Space, Jasuto, TweakyBeat and at least a hundred other way cool instruments, tools and toys.

kosabjena said...

I've been following PS for a little over a year now. I have to say it is THE best site for finding great apps and ideas. I'm so sad to hear this. You've always written so sharp, concise posts that were so spot-on. I'm gonna miss it. Thank you for everything!

Unknown said...

Sad. Thank you for all those great years!

Tom TM said...

"Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new."

Steve Jobs 1955-2011.

Palm Sounds blog gave me the confidence to start making music again. All the way through last year, Palm Sounds became an obsession. I'll, like many others will really miss this place. But like Saint Steve said, death "clears out the old to make way for the new", all I can see is that this is a positive move, and I really look forward to all the new sites and blogs that will be born from Palm Sounds.

RIP mate :)

Paul said...


I agree...I'd love to see that reddit community become the new hub.



moonbuz said...

Maybe you gonna write sth from time to time? Sth you feel is important or of special intrest for you. Dont have to write all news and updates just the precious ones for you, dont be obsessive compulsive about blogging but don't disappear pls

Vytis Puronas said...

Thanks for all your work! Palmsounds has been one of the three or four blogs I visit on a daily basis. Sorry to see you go, but that is completely understandable. Good luck!

feastoftones said...

Palm Sounds will be much missed. I've been coming here since buying my iphone 3g... so, a long time!

I wish you all the best & good luck!!

pat said...

Damn ocd.

I still keep coming back and refreshing to see if anything has changed.
Have to direct my attn elsewhere now but the portable music making news scene is so disorganized and in bits and pieces that i dont know where to get the news now.

Palmsounds bought it all together in one place with great opnions and discussions too !!!

Oh well, hopefully you will be passing on the reigns to some other brave soul and we can continue this disuccions.
Or maybe somebody else will pick up the torch.

We need to get organized here !!!

Meanwhile, i will try to reduce my refresh rate :-)


RobinOC said...

Hi Ashley,

A couple of ideas...

How about one last blog entry about what sources you used to gather things like new and worthy music apps, price drops, etc?

How about making a Palm Sounds group someplace like Yahoo Groups, or encouraging people to post news, price drops, etc on the Palm Sounds Facebook page?

Would love to see this wonderful, and oh so useful, blog find some new blood to keep it going, with you at the helm, putting in as much or as little time as you feel like and letting a handful of others chip in to help?

Slipperman said...

Ashley, this is by far the best, most comprehensive site for mobile music on the Internet. I thank you for everything that you have done for us. You are my twice per day stop to determine what to buy from the AppStore.

I wonder if there is a group out there that would band together and share the workload to help keep Palmsounds alive and serving our community?

I for one would be all in on that effort.

iClifDotMe said...

Sorry to hear it, but I totally get it. Good luck to you in your future endeavors.

B.C. Thunderthud said...

Congratulations on your new life, I can only imagine how much time this has consumed over the last couple years. I'll miss the site, you did a great job.

I'm afraid that a new community hub which is actually an iPad site means that the mobile music community is dead. It's a very sad day.

narcosislabs said...

Thank you sincerely. I've discovered many of my favorite apps on this blog.

Unknown said...

Ok fair enough, thanx for your big effort, read it with pleasure and kept me longing to by an ipad : )

dram said...

Gutted ! This was the only site i check everyday. (at least twice !). You have something special here at Palmsounds and it's a sad day for mobile music... As others have said.. There will be a gap and your blg will be missed... Thanks for the 2 years of awesome info ... Videos ... Reveiws etc.... It was so much easier to check your sight for new apps than trawl through all the duff radio station apps and mp3 players etc that get clumped into the "Music" category on the app store.... Also picked up loads of iphone apps i would have missed when browsing the ipad app store... You should be proud of what you have acheived... Many Thanks for all your hard work... I only now realised how much i took this site for granted !

Anonymous said...

Ashley, I'm going to try and cary on what you've started, I'll start posting regular app updates, review's and news on iOS Musician...

You will be missed, Good luck on your future projects...

Jay said...

This site is a real accomplishment. Thank you for all the work and insight, and hope you have equally amazing results with your future projects!
Very best,

Garloo said...

I got to make it 100 Comments. I have been having some site withdrawl and dropped by.

Hope your getting a ton of life and work done.

Anonymous said...

Sad day for mobile music news. What was awesome about Palm Sounds is that it was about mobile music as a whole, not just IOS and Apple stuff. I feel this will be what I miss the most..

now where is that Electro Busker guy again?? :)

Vim Fuego said...

Palm Sounds was the first music-related site I visited each day, I'll be sorry to see it go. I understand the reason though, I hope you find good use of your spare time :)

Vim Fuego said...

Palm Sounds was the first music-related site I checked each day, I'll be sorry to see it go. I understand the reasons though, I hope you find good use of your spare time :)

nanobozho said...

thanx for all, ashley... especially appreciated the historical placement re: palm devices... this was the one i checked every day... understand how it has become too much... well done, and thanx again...

StoneCut said...

Well, that sucks - I only found this site a short while ago. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
If you do ever decide to come back: Don't try to cover every single plugin released. Just concentrate on a few that truly interest you. That way you probably wouldn't get so overwhelmed.
Either way - thanks for all the fish !

Burg said...

Stellar work Ashley and best wishes to you!

You'll be back ;-)


HLindal said...

Anyone else than me checking this thread daily?

Want to point you to www.iosmusician.com
could be a nice place for us to discuss, bitch and praise.

Marlene DeGrood said...

I have checked back daily hoping that maybe Ashely had a change of heart but it's looking like that's not happening so I will resolve to move on. If Palm Sounds should ever come back I hope that someone will let me know because it's time to break this habit of checking in.

Anonymous said...


discuss, bitch and praise away! =D


ashley said...

Thanks to all of you who've left comments here. I really appreciate the thoughts and kind words. It means a lot.

I know that some of you have been asking about the forum and other related issues, and I'll post something in the forum in the coming days just to outline my plans for it going forward.

Thanks again for everything, and I wish all of you all the best in mobile music making, which I'm sure will go from strength to strength in 2012 and beyond.

Chris said...

Ashely, I bought an iPad because of this site. Thanks to you ive taken up doin music again after 5 years or so. I would never have found out about all the different iOS (for me) music apps if it hadn't been for this site. Dunno what to say except thanks!

But. Bringin in other people to help with palmsounds (and the costs). A big project for sure. But might pay of in the end. I'll certainly help with everything I can do. Hasn't PalmSounds in it self kinda become a trademark?

IOSmusician.com, another site that seems to be Justine guy. If PS closes down lets help out with that site? Right now it's only iOS but who know further down!

Sry bout my English:)

Shoebox Tour America 2012 said...

i would pay money for even a weekly update to this site... don't know if a subscription model would be viable, but if that's an option- i'm totally into paying for the great content this site has curated over the years!

Joel said...

So sorry to see you "go" but happy to hear you are pursuing your musical dreams. This site has been an inspiration/addiction for me too. I've also been checking back daily and hoping for a change of heart but alas... Anyway, thank you for the impact you've made on many musicians like myself who now see handheld devices as viable music-making tools and use them as such. God bless you Ashley!

ashley said...

For information on what will happen to the forum, please see:


Also I've just posted a thread there about approaches that I've had from a few companies about buying the domain, and I'd like some feedback if you have thoughts on the subject.

Anonymous said...

Please oh please don't sell the domain to a corporate entity. I'd rather see Palmsounds.net go to the community. There are many people here who would be proud to make Palm Sounds live again (I know I would). You could be the main admin only for users rights and permissions, and we'd come up with news and articles. I think it would be great.

"Anyone else than me checking this thread daily?"

I have been :).. mostly to see what would be the best alternative/follow up to Palm Sounds, ... still haven't found it.

Garloo said...

Sale of the domain name to a private company.

Sounds like a nice way for you to make some money from your work. I think that if you plan to move on to other things and no longer do the blogging you should consider making the money.

When I would read articles in magizines about mobile apps I would always thing why didn't they hire Asley as he is pretty much the authority but rewards in the internet seldom work like that.

If you do another blog I suspect it might be a lot different. So you might as well start over fresh and I bet this blog gets a lot of hits already.

It will be odd to see it become a commercial zone as opposed to a more unbiased and open forum but perhaps better that it change and evolve in some way and you get to buy a couple of nice gadgets (maybe that OP1?).

I would have posted this in the forum but for whateaver reason I was never able to post there.

AL said...

Will miss you! Best to you!

R·E said...

Please don't!

Why not hand it off or sell it? You could make money AND continue serving your audience -- and we love your work!

I have to say, you have done all of us a huge service with your blog so far. I've benefited a ton with it.

Someone out there probably is as passionate as you & could take over? Maybe ask on craigslist or kickstarter? Or maybe someone will request to take it over here ... ?


vimanaboy said...

So long and thanks for all the fish! I am another who checked this blog multiple times per day. Sad to see you go but I completely understand why. Tanks for all your hard work, and for providing this place for us all. Best wishes to you on our final year on earth ;)

Casey James Basichis said...

Checking this site several times a days was a given. Thanks for your hard work. And good luck with your future endeavors.

I really do hope you find a way to pass this site on.

kenkramar said...

I always could count on your site for good info & decent reviews of music apps, both those I was searching and others I found out about here. Thanks for all your work & articles. I hope you'll keep the site online, much of the content is still relevant. Good luck & thanks.

stefan said...

Very sorry to hear this, Nobody will be able to fill this void. I do want to say this, thank you so much. This page alone turned me on to many different creative ideas and reconnected me with certain people turning me on to some very creative forces out there. This was a good idea, kind of like myspace before it got too strange. Thanks again. We all understand why. Happy new year!!!

Unknown said...

This blog is the Wikipedia of Mobile Music, but I understand how hard it is to "blog" and have a Life at the same time. It kinda keeps you away from your love of music making and using the cool devices and apps that you blog about.

I learned a lot from this blog and it will be missed. From learning about chiptunes and buying my first gameboy with LSDJ, making a Arduinoboy to Commodore 64 with Mssiah and iOS with CoreMidi! (PS made the iOS Midi & File Sharing Revolution)

A lot of these cool apps we see now would not be around without this Blog and Contributors.

S/O to the whole PalmSounds Massive and may the Beat be with you. Live by the drum die by the drum. :)

Unknown said...

This blog is the Wikipedia of Mobile Music, but I understand how hard it is to "blog" and have a Life at the same time. It kinda keeps you away from your love of music making and using the cool devices and apps that you blog about.

I learned a lot from this blog and it will be missed. From learning about chiptunes and buying my first gameboy with LSDJ, making a Arduinoboy to Commodore 64 with Mssiah and iOS as a serious beatmaking tool! (PS made the iOS Midi & File Sharing Revolution)

A lot of these cool apps we see now would not be around without this Blog and Contributors.

S/O to the whole PalmSounds Massive and may the Beat be with you. Live by the drum die by the drum. :)

angorawol said...

tnx for everything, going to miss it

angorawol said...

Tnx for your five years of dedication. We're going to miss it

Garloo said...

2012 the aztec calendar seems to have been correct.

Hey Asley still going through Palm Sounds withdrawl. Hope you are getting tons done.

kd said...

Thanks a million. Seriously. This blog really was the best. God bless!