Wireless sync-start over Bluetooth with WIST compatible apps. You can now sync with your friend’s iPad or iPhone to create a dynamic live performances. Compatible apps include Korg iElectribe, iMS-20 and of course ReBirth 1.2
ReBirth for iPhone
ReBirth for IPad
iPads at the Apple Store
Excellent. Any sort of sync is a good thing.
yes but midi sync would of been nice.
Agreed, but both Korg apps support midi sync, so you can use either of them as the master, and have Rebirth or Tabletop as the slave. Not perfect, but better than a slap in the face with a wet fish!
dont you need 2 pads to do this ?
also ims20 does not support coreMIDI midi sync.
WIST is coming to NlogSynth Pro, as well.
sync between 2 pads sounds nice
Totally pathetic move. Everybody was crying to get core midi sync and what we get instead is propriety system that works only with couple of apps and NOT with pcs or macs.
Very disappointed indeed.... :(
Yeah, that really sucks - NO MIDI sync and crappy WIST instead, but also there is still no iTunes file sharing as well :(
What a pointless update indeed.
At least it's getting some code love. Now users can't call it abandonware!
Anyone tried it? I synced my iPhone 3GS running rebirth with the Ims-20 on my ipad2 and the latency was noticeable :( . The devices were right next to each other. Maybe closing some background apps might help. Dunno...
Didn't the guy from Korg say both their apps supported wifi midi sync in that Touchsound podcast? Just gonna check...
iElectribe suports midi sync (flakey to say the lest) but not iMS20
Great to see them finally updating ReBirth for iPhone!
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