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Tell CM how important mobile is

Computer Music has this poll up on Facebook about mobile music. Vote for the apps you use and show how important mobile really is!

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johnnyg0 said...

Sure mobile is great and fun, but is it really what is more important?

After 6+ years in mobile music, I still feel VST has more importance on the software side (even more since the appification of mobile music), and on the hardware side stuff like the Kaoss Pad (and other great stuff Korg released) and the mighty MPC had more impact on music than anything "mobile".

I love my palm and my IOS devices, they are great to lay down ideas on the road, but not when I want to do serious work in my studio.

johnnyg0 said...

Also, tactile is more important than mobile, this is why touchscreens are so great.

kidBaltan said...

I find it a bit odd that the "mobile" in mobile music making
seems to get less and less important

Anonymous said...


Au contraire! But I think its because "mobile" is not clearly defined. For me it means "portable".

These days you can get a 300$ netbook that can do more for mobile music than you could've imagined a few years ago. Once you look outside of IOS, there are so many better ways to make mobile music.

kidBaltan said...

cant open the article so not sure but I asumed from other answers the article was about ios mobile only,

like the dev from soundprism wrote a while ago
he didnt even realise there is a group of users that dont want to use a pc/mac but want to keep working in the device as long as possible.
And lately for ios with all kinds of add-ons and stuff requiering a connection make it less mobile in my opinion

otherwise I agree there are a lot of great options for mobile music.
I own a tenori-on witch is what I use most when I have no
acces to my little studio (studiette?) or computer

Scott said...


"I love my palm and my IOS devices, they are great to lay down ideas on the road, but not when I want to do serious work in my studio."

You are probably right about "serious" or finished work. But aren't all those creative sessions "laying down ideas" just as important to the whole process?