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iPad 2 first impression

I've had my iPad 2 a couple of days, and even though I haven't had a huge amount of time to use it there are already a few things that are apparent. The flat back of the device is a bit improvement. From a performance perspective it is simply less wobbly at the edges.

The device is lighter and thinner, and although these don't make a massive difference, when you hold the 1 and the 2 side by side you can really notice the difference.

Obviously there are the cameras which are fine, but I'm not too interested in those at the moment.

The best thing is the increase in speed which is noticeable just about everywhere. I don't think it will take developers long to take advantage of this.

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Tom said...

"The best thing is the increase in speed which is noticeable just about everywhere. I don't think it will take developers long to take advantage of this."

I think this is actually what is fundamentally wrong with computers in general. It will mean that my iPad 1, in not the not too distant future will become obsolete- just like in many ways how my only 3 year old iPhone 3G has.

It's great if you have the money just to keep updating as soon as the latest and greatest comes along, but please spare some thought for those who won't keep up.

In many ways this is why I still have much respect for both Bhajis Loops and also Nanostudio. Both of which still run really well on underpowered devices. I hope the update of NS will still work well on my 3G (as well as my iPad!)

Anonymous said...

@tom: nah, your old hardware isnt obsolete, Im still using old ibooks for plugins that have never been updated to run on new oses, most of them are freeware like the pluggo stuff & perculator or how ever it was called; because I dont want to invest in m4l to use my "dated" freeware which is now reborn there ...

Tibor said...

Supporting older hardware is always on my mind as a developer. All my apps for iPhone run fine on the original iPhone. The only limit is iOS updates. First gen devices do not do ios4.
Same is true for iPad. I am to keep all my iPad 1 users happy fir as long as I can.

johnnyg0 said...

"I think this is actually what is fundamentally wrong with computers in general."

The problem is not about new computers being significantly faster, I can run the latest version of any software on a 5-10 years old computer and it just works (albeit slower of course). I do multi-track recording over samplings with Cubase 5 and Kontakt on a PentiumIII and it works nicely (its faster than the processors in MPCs :)

The problem is when software refuses to operate just because the signature on the computer doesn't match. Your iPad1 (and mine) won't become obsolete because of speed, it will be because eventually Apple won't release an IOS update for the iPad1, and then apps that will be updated for the new version of IOS will stop working on the one the iPad1 is stuck on.

You can still use your old apps if you keep copies of your .IPA files and never update your apps again, but you will need to buy a new device if you want to be able to use the new ones. Considering that apps that are not updated for the newest IOS will eventually break or crash because Apple doesn't support legacy code, its good to have an older device at hand. Having many IOS devices on different version of IOS is actually the only way we can be sure our apps will work for more than 2 years.. sadly.

With computers the only reason to upgrade is because you want more speed, not because the software you have been using for years suddenly stops working because the support switch has been turned off.

I'm also grateful to all the ones who makes great software that works not only on the latest hardware, Renoise, FruityLoops, Reason, Reaper, and many others works on any CPU with SSE.

But yes, a faster computer is always better :)

johnnyg0 said...

"The only limit is iOS updates. First gen devices do not do ios4. "

And second gen devices won't do IOS5 :(

kovsky said...

And 2nd gen devices , the ipod touch 8gb could still be bought new in stores less then a year ago since the 8gb 2nd gen was sold aside the 3th gen. letting people asume the bought a 3th gen.
but there never was a 8gb 3th gen
So now a lot of people still have waranty on a device thats been discontinued or not longer supported

Anonymous said...

It is probably best to never buy anything at all, since nothing will never become obsolete. Take pleasure in beating the system as we collectively march foward to meet our own personal obsolescence (I'll have my iPad 1 and a smile as I go..)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it can be annoying to have to update hardware, but what's the alternative? Let's either outlaw the production of new devices, or force developers to support an infinite number of platforms! Awesome!

Yes, some devs have been gone out of their way to support a wide range of platforms and they should be commended for going the extra mile.

But on the whole, this just sounds like whining when there's not a realistic alternative that's better than the status quo...

kovsky said...

When for a 200 dollar device the support and updates
are cancelled after 8 months I dont see that as wining.

And I dont see the point of calling someone's opinion just wining,
that's just wining :)