iPhone App Directory

Novation updates Launchkey and Launchpad

Both of these apps get the ability to sync to each other, which sounds great. However, they recommend an iPad 4 for their new sync mode, which is going to count out quite a few people I guess.

I suppose it shouldn't be a shock that a developer has introduced an iPad4 only feature. In some ways I'm surprised that it's taken so long, but it signals a move that I'm sure will be followed by others.

iPad 5 anyone?



Ezmy said...

As an original Launchpad and Nocturn owner.. I'm still somewhat irritated they haven't supported these products as fully as they could have.. I suppose in most ways software is easier.

congas said...

This is now starting to remind me of why I stopped using computers for music.everytime new software came out , you had to upgrade your computer with more ram or and better spec processor or hardrive.i am noticing my ipad 2 is getting more glitchy with newer apps.may be its back to hardware time(again)