iPhone App Directory

Sound Wand MIDI is now free!

Sound Wand MIDI is free. Strangely it arrived yesterday and has now gone free! Grab it now, while you can.

Sound Wand MIDI - Club 15CC


-=stereofect=- said...

It's really worth grabbing. Especially since it's free. If you want to use it to play/control apps running on the same iOS device you'll need MidiBridge. I've been using mine on an iPod Touch 4G and patching it thru Midibridge to a MidiMobilizer and connecting it directly to a DSI Mopho Desktop. Works great. Gesticulate with your right hand (speaking optional) and tweak your knobs with your left hand. Loads of fun....

-=stereofect=- said...
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Hari Karam Singh said...

FYI, it doesn't necessarily need MIDI bridge to work with other apps. I've tested it on my iPhone 4 with MIDI Synth (fka NLogSynth) and SunriserXS, no problems. Let me know which apps you are using it with...

- Hari Karam Singh
Creator of Sound Wand