iPhone App Directory


Thanks to Adrian for alerting me to this app. It looks like this could be a really useful way of keeping a library of pasteboard files. Here's the app's description:

Pastemaster takes the long awaited copy-paste functionality of the iPhone one step further. It is a pasteboard (or clipboard) manager for end-users and developers alike. It offers easy-to-use features to save and load pasteboards. You can prepare a set of pasteboard contents you tend to use often: your address, your name, etc. From then, these will always be just a tap away.

For iPhone developers, Pastemaster offers an insight into the contents of system and application pasteboards. You can browse their content - framework objects archived with NSKeyedArchiver are automatically unarchived, and you can view their description and class. All objects (even data objects) can be exported by e-mail.

  • Save and load pasteboards
  • Manage pasteboard contents
  • Simple mode for end-users, advanced mode for developers
  • Add custom pasteboards
  • View different types of elements: images, text, urls
  • Export objects: save images the the Photo Library, e-mail any data
  • Built-in help

Pastemaster at the app store:

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