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Little Endian announces iOS SDK

I'm sure that this will be of interest to some developers. Little Endian have announced the availability of an iOS SDK. Here's what their site says"

Little Endian today announced the release of SpectrumWorx™ SDK for iOS. The SDK will enable software developers to easily and efficiently implement vast amount of frequency-domain sound effects in their iOS apps, including classic effects like pitch shifter and vocoder to more exotic ones like sound freeze or auto-tune, to unique ones like “frecho” or “exaggerator”. Mac OS X and Windows version of the SDK have also been updated to current version 1.0.1.

“We are extremely happy to be able to bring our unique sound mangling algorithms to this exciting new platform,” said Danijel Domazet, CEO at Little Endian. “Developers are going to be thrilled with simple yet efficient API that will enable them to easily implement our effects in their iPhone and iPad apps.”

SpectrumWorx™ SDK has a small footprint, high performance and low memory usage. The API enables effect chaining – with over fifty effects to choose from there are countless possibilities for sound manipulation.

The SDK is available for evaluation and purchase immediately; interested parties are encouraged to file a request via Little Endain’s Developers web page (littleendian.com\developers).

  • Sophisticated engine optimized for low CPU and memory usage.
  • Over fifty micro-effects (pitch shifter, classic vocoder, wah-wah, robotizer, wobbler, autotune, reverser, etc.).
  • Micro-effect chaining support.
  • External audio support.
  • Detailed documentation.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't w8 for some clever dev to take advantage of this!