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MiniJack on Bjork's new (partially iPad made) album

I had no idea but MiniJack has all the details.

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johnnyg0 said...

I wonder if its going to be as minimalist as the Blur ipad album.

naw said...

speaking of ipad artists and musicians

Anonymous said...

when what you do is notable for "one-upping X", you haven't one-upped X.

I love both bjork and radiohead though, the writeup is just a bit silly. I don't think radiohead have gotten so much press that they've squeezed out all other innovative artists.

It's probably all somewhat of a gimmick, still it'll be fun to listen for the one or two samples and guess what app they're from. My guess is it'll be something unique, simple and pretty like soundprism, bebot, maybe even nanoloop.

I don't think bjork has the time to get into stuff like nanostudio or beatmaker just to get it to reproduce the studio stuff she could have an engineer do in the studio anyway.