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NanoStudio view on porting to Windows Phone 7

I thought that this was a really interesting comment from the developer of NanoStudio on the difficulty of porting over to Windows Phone 7. Interested to hear from other developers with similar issues, or indeed if you've found a way through?

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Tom said...

Why waste time porting to W7M, when the time could be spent making Nanostudio 2 even better?

Personally if I were writing a new music app, I would draw heavily on what, for instance, Garageband has on offer (re; instruments, both simple and complex, as alternative controllers to the usual glut of keyboard and MPC-style interfaces)

Anonymous said...

I would rather see nanostudio ported to webos or even android. I think windows 7 is the wrong OS for nanostudio. It would be a wasted effort.

johnnyg0 said...


I guess its for the same reasons games are ported to different consoles, to reach a larger audience.

I still applaud Blip for offering a Windows or OSX version of Nanostudio for download. I wish more people would do that. I like to know that the software I use is not tied to a single platform.

Its a shame Microsoft is forcing people to code in a certain way.. it reminds me of a certain other company who tried that and then changed their methods, maybe MS will change theirs with time (WP7 is still not 6 months old, it has time to grow).

johnnyg0 said...


"I would rather see nanostudio ported to webos or even android. I think windows 7 is the wrong OS for nanostudio"

Would you care explaining why Android or WebOS but not Windows7? I mean technical reasons, not just because you hate Microsoft.