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Playing with Xewton Music Studio and MIDI Mobilizer

I thought I'd spend some time with the new version of Xewton Music Studio today on my iPad and try it with my Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer, and I have been really impressed. Adding the mobilizer to Xewton gives it a whole new lease of life and turns into a really great sequencer app.

I've been using an old M-Audio KeyRig 25 controller with the Line 6 hardware which works fine although 25 keys can be limiting at times.

Having said that, using it with Xewton is great. Just being able to play stuff into the app without having to use an on screen keyboard is fantastic and I'm really enjoying playing rather than just sequencing.

When Xewton first came out a lot of people likened it to Garageband on the iPhone, and in many ways it has similarities.

I think what's helped me to enjoy this so much is the fact that I've been going over a lot of my old 4 track tapes in the last few days and remembering what it was like to have to play virtually everything into a machine and get it right. Sure, with Xewton you can go back and edit everything you want to, but it still has more of a linear feel to it and that's quite a lot of fun after sequencing for so long.

I think I'm going to have to brush up my keyboard skills again though.

If you haven't tried Xewton there is a lite version too which is universal as well. Worth checking out.

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Chad said...

I didn't truly appreciate this app until I got an iPad. I wish all music apps would hop on board with the midi mobilizer. I got one so I'd always have my Line 6 M13 patches backed up but i've used it for hooking this up to a M Audio Axiom49 and it worked perfectly! Makes Music Studio MUCH more usable on my iPhone/iPod touch but if iSequence was MIDI capable it'd be absolutely perfect for iPad music production.

ashley said...

Yeah, know what you mean about iSequence.