iPhone App Directory


That is so cool. I know it isn't really a handheld device, but it is very small!

Clip to Evernote


Garloo said...

Thanks for this the wireless bass drum controler made my day. Cliping it to his shoe and tables.

Anonymous said...

anyone know what's missing from the normal wavedrum? and price?

johnnyg0 said...

The bass drum controller was really surprising.

Anonymous said...

I'd spend the extra$ on the re-issue. A lot more playing room and you can use sticks. Plus it sounds way more authentic.

Also,Better sockets and I think you can plug a normal kick pedal in.



Marlene DeGrood said...

I love my Korg WaveDrum and I would probably buy this little "mini" too if I happen to have the cash in my pocket.

Anonymous said...

People commenting need to do some research!
- the clip on mic is NOT wireless.
- the WDX Wavedrum does NOT have an input for a kick.
- aside from being battery powered and portable; having an inbuilt looper and effects; the Wavedrum Mini has different preset programs and sounds to the WDX.
Can't wait to get one! :)