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Sonoma to bring a MIDI SDK to copy/paste

Great news from Sonoma via moonbuz:

" a MIDI SDK will be availiable in a couple of months, with all the features of the Audio version includnig a copy history, metadata and a list of compatible apps. Metadata will expand to include root key, meter, bar length and scale type in addition to the tempo, creastor app and general audio information theat we already provide" - taken from Music Tech

Many thanks to moonbuz for this awesome news!

Clip to Evernote


Jaybry84 said...

*stands and applauds*

Garloo said...


Anonymous said...

Hello plus!

Anonymous said...


Tom said...

Brilliant! (It makes sense really). :)

Burg said...

I must admit... I don't know what this means.

But if you guys are excited about it then so am I :)

lala said...

(fred astaire voice) heaven, im in heaven
it means copy mididata from any coremidi app to any coremidi app and copy mididata from song to song in apps that dont support that

Anonymous said...

Sounds nice, but I don't like the fact that their libraries aren't open source and require you to sign up with them. That's why I only support the Intua format.

Hayden Bursk said...

Glad to see everyone is excited about this. Our AudioCopy/Paste SDK no longer requires a signature to use. It's a free download. Publishing it in your app means you agree to not redistribute the code. This allows us to better guarantee compatibility between two different apps using AudioCopy/Paste. If different versions of the code were being distributed or different developers were contributing, we couldn't guarantee compatibility and the concept of easy sharing breaks down.

The current version of the AudioCopy/Paste SDK also has support for the general pasteboard built in (Intua Method). But Intua's format is using Apple's standard general pasteboard with the audio type identifier. Other than distributing some example code to use that, Intua is not in any way responsible for that file format. The general pasteboard with an audio identifier does not indicate sample rate or file type. So unless your app can handle any file type, compatibility with that format will eventually break down.

lala said...

@Anonymous: hm, do you have to pay for license of their code?

lala said...

i c (i was to slow posting)

Hayden Bursk said...

Good question. I should also mention that there is no license fee to use our code. Our license agreement was based on the VST license agreement. It's free to use. You get it from one place. And it's not completely open to outside contribution. However, we are open for developers to contribute. Michael Tyson, maker of Loopy, has made some great contributions for a future release.

Garloo said...

So if I understand it correctly that this would mean that this method of audio paste will make the present two methods work togeather.

This would be excelent because I use work arounds to tranfer files around and in some cases you just can't get audio from here to there.

Standardized audio copy and midi copy with the new midi conectivity would make March 2011 a turning point for iOS music.

Anonymous said...

Dude, it's April.

Mat said...

@Hayden Bursk

That's excellent and exciting news.

One question: do you have any plan to port something like RiffWorks to iOs? I own FourTrack and like it but I really think the easy song construction philosophy of RiffWorks would be very welcome to contruct tunes with parts made with apps using AudioCopy/Paste.

Mat said...

@Hayden Bursk

That's excellent and exciting news.

One question: do you have any plan to port something like RiffWorks to iOs? I own FourTrack and like it but I really think the easy song construction philosophy of RiffWorks would be very welcome to contruct tunes with parts made with apps using AudioCopy/Paste.

Anonymous said...

Any use for ipot touch 4g owners?

Burg said...

Ok now I am as excited as the rest. Moving midi from one app to the next would be a huge help.

Particularly Chordbot to Nanostudio.

Thanks for the explaination