iPhone App Directory

Rhythm Trax for iPhone price drop

Rhythm Trax for iPhone has dropped to $0.99 from $5.99 today. Well worth it taking a look at.

Rhythm Trax . - Pulse Code, Inc.

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Anonymous said...

For iPhone 4 only... Trying to install to iPad says the app requires a front facing camera (really??)

iLpD said...

Yes - they are collecting disappointed faces shots ;)

And for real I payed full price and still they didn't upgrade it.
You can load only 1-bar loops.

I got a mail from the dev just a week ago where he wrote that they don't have time to upgade because working on a new app.

Don't buy it.

Marlene DeGrood said...

Should have read the comments here before rushing off to buy .... disappointed that this won't work on my 1st gen iPad or my iPhone 3GS. Really don't understand that logic and it makes me more angry than thirsty because I spent my lunch milk money :)

Kovsky said...

@ iLpD
The one bar limit was my problem too, it really ruins it
because the rest like quickly draging the loopparts and
the control over the effects per step/part in a loop are
really great.
a shame such potential and still ...
plus it freezes the device sometimes