- Tympanum from miniMusic
- FL Studio Mobile
- Jasuto Studio
- BeatMaker 2 iPad update
- NanoStudio update
- iSequence 3
- Horizon Synth
- Thumbjam chord update?
- Isle of Tune!
- Mixtikl 3
- SoundGrid Live
- loopseque mini
- dopplerpad
- audioforge
- hexatone (or indeed anything from Amidio)

As usual, Jesse the (excellent and dedicated)developer of ThumbJam don't share much about the content or ETA of next update (which is smart) but he ventured on his forum he was trying to finish his work on next version by the end of the month. I read something about chords (and I would love to have it the way Jesse proposed) but to my knowledge it never had been said it would make it in the next update.
Among features that may interest many people are “CoreMidi (wifi or wired with camera connection kit), Line6 MidiMobilizer, and the Akai Synthstation25. Both input and output will be supported for using TJ as a controller, or playing it via midi.” (From Jesse in TJ's forum). For me, big expectations for a custom scale in app design tool, breath control, loops mixdown, loopset navigation control among other things (I have such a long list...), nothing really confirmed but hints some of it may come...
Anyway, ThumbJam is already such a wonderful (and complex) piece of software every new thing is like the icing on the biggest (and tastiest) cake ever...
1. Beatmaker for iPad will never come.
2. FL studio WTF? Where is it?!
3. Nanostudio for iPad will be coming soon... 2012
fl studio is here. its called xewton.
perhaps flstudio are retooling after the ho-hum response of "it's xewton reskinned, with a step sequencer"... at least I hope so.
Outsourcing the app version doesn't seem like such a great idea for these more established companies (see propellerhead rebirth). I can understand the temptation since the companies aren't huge and employees probably already have their hands full, but it seems like even if the developer is pretty good (see retronyms and Alex Gross), contract job probably equals minimal amount of thought/effort necessary to have a product.
Korg seems to have the right idea with the in-house development.
One exception to this may be moog + chris wolfe. But that's a bit different... it was a unique boutique instrument that I'm guessing both parties were probably pretty excited about form a creative standpoint.
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