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Korg's mistake

From the comments in this morning's post on this app I knew I had to check out if it was true, and it is. The app's description clearly states:

Commercial use of the works created by using this application is subject to the copyright clearance from right holders.

All that's left to ask is will there be 10,000 people who are happy to buy it anyway?

KORG iELECTRIBE Gorillaz Edition - KORG INC.

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing this up specifically. They have to change this!

Anonymous said...

I mean, are they gonna sue everyone who releases a track they made with an app they actually bought?

Tom said...

Well put Ashley. You're a man of the people 8)

norcalbarney said...

Also, the demo video made it sound like the electribe was playing back samples. Does the stock Electribe do that?

Robert said...

This app is clearly for Gorillaz fans, and not so much for musicians whom would be using the "stock" Electribe app.

Think of this as a remix software of the Gorillaz album and you'll understand why the copyright issue stands as it is.

A nice piece of band marketing, and not so much a "mistake" on Korg's part, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

But maybe a mistake on Gorillaz part then, or their record label. Why on earth not get the samples cleared, that gesture would get them so much more goodwill and possibly new fans than this. It's not like anyone is gonna remake their album with this, right?

Peter Dines said...

Instead of creating this abomination, Korg might have spent their time and money upgrading the iElectribe with a song mode, adjustable lengths for individual parts and Kaoss pads like the iMS-20... there is literally an infinite number of things that would have been a better use of resources.

Anonymous said...

Well, I can't be bother with this one then if it's just a useless toy!!

Anonymous said...

Notcalbarney is right. They do say that it uses samples. I think that this might actually point In the direction of a iES1. If they've already done the back end work why wouldn't they?

Cinema Verite said...

I like the title of this post.

johnnyg0 said...

Just wondering, how many apps have a similar copyright note in their user license (EULA)?

I think apps that lets you remix an established artist's music or stuff like ElectroBeat from David Guetta would have the same copyrights restrictions.

The question is : is iElectribe Gorillaz edition a remix app?

TMothy73 said...

Well, it's gone 3 in the morning and I've been playing with this for hours and I reckon it beats the pants off the standard iElectribe app. I guess messing about with recorded sounds is much more my kind of thing than synthesising drum sounds. This is much closer to the Korg Electribe ES-1, which has always been one of my favourite bits of kit. I like the sounds in this a lot. With the standard iElectribe app I deleted all the preset patterns and templates as they sounded so dumb that I couldn't bare to leave them there, but I've actually enjoyed listening to the few preset patterns I've heard on this so far. Sure, it's still not a sampler, but I'm finding it bloody good fun building my own patterns with the samples you get. One interesting thing is that you don't have to stick to just one sample for a part, so within one part you can have multiple samples and choose which one you want to use for each step, which is pretty cool. (you can't do that with the ES-1). It will be interesting to see what happens with regards to copyright issues with the samples, and even more interesting to see if Korg actually make an ES-1 app one day...

kid versus chemical said...

I wish they would make a full featured iES, or perhaps an iEM, the EM1 was my first bit of kit and would work great on the iPad, especially if they added a little piano roll for the synth parts!

I bought the app despite the warning. I don't sell my music, I give it away for free. But I wouldn't hesitate to sell something made with the app anyway. What are they going to do, really sue me? Plus, I guarantee they would never know I used the app, with all the pitch shifting, automation, modulation you can't really tell.

As much as I think Korg's and the gorillaz position is deplorable, all this fervor is much ado about nothing IMHO.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't make a lot of sense. Why would Korg risk being the subject of copyright infringement. Their warning doesn't make sense.

THEY made a product with supposed non-free samples. It's an instrument by definition - isn't it.

I'm calling bull on this one. They can't move the original fast enough, apparently, so they developed a controversial version to sell more.

Just my 2 cents.

BTW:I love Korg.

Miguel said...

I agree, this is an instrument and hobbling it with copyrighted samples is a mistake. Plus, there might be users who gloss over that fact and could get into trouble without realizing it.

lala said...

told you so ;)
we must be bunch of haters, lol

lala said...

ups, a bunch of hater

lala said...

oh my, i should remember to have some coffee before posting

Tom said...

I wonder if it is possible to swap the samples? You could do this with iDrum. Find the file with the extension 'ipa'. Copy it (make a backup) Change the extension to '.zip', then open as normal in a something like BetterZip (There's probably a similar PC alternative), and extract the package to the desktop. Right click on the package, and choose "show package contents". Open it up. Now look for 'resources'. In this file you should find a load of wavs or similar (I doubt it if Korg have their own proprietary format, but somehow I wouldn't put it past them!). Swap some sounds of theirs with yours. Close the zip, and rename the extension ipa again. Now swap with the original ipa file, and resync.

That may, or may not work. Like I said, it used to work with iDrum. :)

kovsky said...

Something different but
Instagram also has weird and vage copyright rules

lala said...

it says gorillaz, of course they gonna sell 10.000 copies

Garloo said...

It may be good as a instructional aid. I know some of the David Bowie remix apps open the door to understanding how someone gets great sounds.

Since this is obviously aimed at fans of the band and is only a 1000 off project I don't see why people are so upset it is something fun for Gorillaz fans.

I think it is good to note that the samples are not open but I bet you would learn a whole lot seeing how they use a electribe and create the samples.

Robert said...

I don't know about your conspiracy theory, anonymous. ^^^

The iElectribe app has been in the top-ranked paid apps for a while now, and was a "launch day" app when the iPad first hit the market— I think it's doing just fine.

Further, if you check out the video demo on Gorillaz website, the pre-programmed patterns appear to be variations of the original Gorillaz tracks (haven't heard the record so correct me if in wrong) and it appears that THESE are the bits in question regarding copyright.

The use of the "samples" and drum machine to create original compositions would be fair game, I imagine. Including the same exporting and Audio Copy/Paste as the other Korg apps would seem to support this.

Unknown said...

I like this app! Just change up the sounds.

norcalbarney said...

I found a little more clarity about the Gorillaz sample mode on this post : http://www.korguser.net/ielectribe/en/about_gorillaz.html#change_gorillaz

So the Gorillaz version has 16 different samples for each drum sound. I left my iPad at home today, so I can't check if the stock Electribe does that.

Also, the KorgUsers page points out that while the Gorillaz cleared the samples for their use, you'd need to also clear them if you want to use them commercially. Seems pretty standard CYA for them. Remember, Korg doesn't hold the license for the samples. Here's the quote from the footnotes on the KorgUsers page : "Commercial use of the works created by using this PRODUCT is subject to the copyright clearance from right holders." Not specifically denied! : )

Anonymous said...

Totally agree.

At first I thought this was lame, but I bought the app and can honestly say this won't be a problem. I agree with gorillaz and korg on this, you shouldn't be able to use the samples as is, but I get the feeling what they're really saying is be creative we won't be able to tell the difference.

Made a dnb beat with revolving doors, no way you could tell it was even close to the same track, put in all the parts too even the vocal and never used gorilla wave. i'll have no probs tweaking this more in logic, making it even more unique.

I like this more than the ielectribe app, only thing that it's missing is the appearance button, cross button and the wave section which is replaced by gorillaz wave. I find it more useful as you get the choice of 16 more sounds, which are grouped eg, 16 diff kick drums on the kick drum button, diff chords and other sounds on the synth, misc button etc.

I think gorrillaz and korg are just covering themselves from people who don't change the sounds enough and seek to profit from the source material which is fair enough.

Unknown said...

Good thing I'm not making any commercial music then.
