Ok, I think I'm going to run through my top ten iPhone apps as at today as the list will change on a regular basis. In fact, how about this becomes a regular kind of feature? Any, here are my
current top ten iPhone music apps:
BeatMakerI still really like BeatMaker. I use the packaged loops and just enjoy making something quick sometimes. It is a great app for getting something going.
BleepBoxThe newest music app of the ten. A ten part synth app is a pretty amazing thing to fit into an iPhone. I've been really enjoying this app for several days now and I'm looking forward to even more Bleepbox goodness to come.
HexatoneA truly amazing innovative and unique drum / percussion app from Amidio although that description doesn't do it justice. This is great for making beats to put into Beatmaker or upload to SoundCloud. The more I use it the better it gets.
DopplerPadThis is another great little music maker for getting a groove going. I am so looking forward to being able to move tracks into FourTrack and do more with them. DopplerPad is wonderful for making great sounding beats.
PianoStudioThis is a bit different from the others. I really like PianoStudio because in a way it is self contained. I don't expect it to make different sounds or have a drum part because it is just about piano, and it does that really well. From a composition point of view it is excellent and I am really enjoying making some very different kinds of music with it.
SunvoxI loved Sunvox on the Palm and Windows Mobile and the iPhone is no different.
NLog SynthA brilliant synth, and I can't wait to get 2.0 as it sounds awesome.
JasutoThis is one of the few apps I have that enables me to time travel. Whenever I stop using it I find that several hours have vanished in just a few seconds, or so it seems. It is great for experimenting, and I love experimenting.
iShredI've been through a few guitar apps and this is the one I keep coming back to. In the main just for messing about and tweaking effects, and I guess that's what I love most about iShred.
FIReI use FIRe as my main recording app for field recordings. I love it because you can use the GPS to set the location of the recording, add a picture and upload to SoundCloud all in one place. Now if they could just include ioLibrary integration ...

So there you have it. My
current top ten. It will change over time, and has done regularly as new apps come in and existing ones get new features.
I'd really like to have a few of you submit you're top ten apps. Please email them to me and maybe I could post one set a day? What do you think?