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Some first impressions of Auria

Opening up this app for the first time gives you some idea of what a step forward it is. I started by playing the demo track that's included with the app. It isn't a bad track, it isn't particularly to my taste, but that's not the point. The point is how the track demonstrates Auria, and I think it does it quite well, to start with anyway.

Just messing about with the controls in Auria's mixer starts to give you a view on how complex the app is and the depth of control it gives you. But really this is just the start, there is so much more in this app and my guess is that the developers have a great deal more planned for it as well.

So to give you my first impressions, this app is going to be a major change in how we view mobile music production. It raises the bar significantly, and I hope that this will be a good thing.

Auria - WaveMachine Labs, Inc.


Anonymous said...

I thought that their video for Auria was kindove silly, they all go out into a forest and bring loads of instruments (including a drum set), microphones, gear, ect... but they couldn't have just brought a laptop? if you can bring all of that stuff you probably could've just brought a computer as well

The apps probably best for mixing on the go

Burg said...

what are you guys using to input audio?

Anonymous said...

i don't own it right now, but if i had it i'd use the iPad Camera kit, works just fine and it's USB so it'll work with just about anything you've already got...

Jim Straynge said...

Yes I saw that video & they could have used anything to record on. Seemed like Auria was kind of an afterthought.