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Portable Sound Laboratories iMainGo XP Speakers for your iPad

A look at this very nice looking speaker concept via iLounge.

iPads at the Apple Store

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Marlene DeGrood said...

Too much baggage for me. I'd rather carry a small bluetooth speaker around with my iPad than this. I think this is better suited to watching videos when you don't want to use headphones .... I rarely even listen to music through my iPad since I put my playlists on my iPhone and iPod Touch then use a small iHome Bluetooth player for social stuff.

Tom TM said...

It is a bit bulky isn't it? Personally I think this is a far better solution;


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping the ipad3 will have front facing stereo speakers, like the Playbook.

Tom TM said...


I guarantee that it won't. lol!

Duke said...

Perfect for me. I like stereo reproduction