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Steve Jobs Biography on iBooks

I know that this isn't going to appeal to everyone, but I thought it was worth posting as let's face it, he was a pretty big factor in iOS without which we wouldn't have the great apps we have now.

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AnonymousOne said...

I'd like to know who is really responsible for apps in IOS, because as I recall, Steve Jobs was passionately against having 3rd party apps when the iphone was released, but most of the world have forgot about that and attributes the invention of mobile apps to Steve Jobs.

"You don’t want your phone to be an open platform, meaning that anyone can write applications for it and potentially gum up the provider's network"
- Steve Jobs, unaware that 3rd party apps were available on every other smartphones.


I wish we could remember Steve Jobs for the good things he really did, and not attribute him the invention of everything in modern tech, which is why this books looks great, as it focuses on Steve Jobs life, and not fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Nobody has ever attributed SJ with inventing mobile apps.

Anonymous said...

People do give him credit for the app store though.

I personally wasnt aware of his opposition to it. That is really interesting.

cydiarules said...

I believe Cydia and Installer.app are responsible for 3rd party apps and the AppStore.

An entire apps ecosystem was being built for the iphone even thought Apple was absent on that field because Steve Jobs was against 3rd party apps.

But as Cydia's success was going stronger, eventually Apple had no choice to cave in and allow 3rd party apps, or else there would've been a 3rd party app provider that would become standard for app distribution on the iphone.

ashley said...

Quite right. iPhone 1 came along with the whole 'web apps are better than native' thing which really didn't work at all. SJ and Apple caved in the end and went with the whole app ecosystem.

We'll never know if it was on the road map from day 1 or not.

Tom TM said...

I think what killed web apps were/is the appalling bandwidth speeds we Brits have to put up with :(

Mobile connectivity is much better in the States (I believe?).

lala said...

who knows? but web-apps are very next/unix

Garloo said...

I think we will be seeing more cloud web apps as time goes on.

It is so great that this book is coming out I will have to pick up a copy today.

I remember the great games that were are availble for my blackberry I still miss playing the fantastic brick breaker (steve jobs had nothing to do with that!) which is so much better than any of the ios games. The web browser the Blackberry had one years before the iphone and it was so much better than safari.....

Blah Blah blah blah frapp frappp.....zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZsnoooooore

lala said...

@tom: r there no 32.000 Kbps or 100.000 kbps connections in the uk? or is that reserved for London only, or something?

lala said...


Tom TM said...

Not where I live. Britain is hopelessly behind both Europe and America. We have self-appointed green-biased eco parasites such as Jonathon Porritt who play the Malthusian card, complaining that there are too many people in the world, and therefore the consequence has an effect on global warming, and as a consequence then discourages already reluctant-to-invest telecommunication giants not to lay the nationwide network infrastructure we desperately need.

Rant over! Lol!

Grrrrrrr ^_^

2Kbps here :( Despite its supposed to be 13. But even 13 is crap. :( :(

lala said...

@tom: lol, what r they thinking? printing boxes, packing data in it and ship it around the world is green???

lala said...

It's a really good read, juicy and anecdotal, not boring @ all, and not about good clean fun. Lol, those Amercians, this time they missed sticking the parental advisotory explicit blah label on it. :)

lala said...
