iPhone App Directory

The whole "iLike" thing ...

We've had quite a bit of discussion about the iLike "Official" band apps on the app store and what people think of them. Well, here's a little more info on what this is all about.

If your band or act wants an iPhone app, you just pay $99 to iLike and can decide if you want to charge for it, in which case you can get a 50/50 split on the revenue with iLike, or give it away for free.

I've got a Palm Sounds iLike page which I've done very little with indeed and I've no intention of paying them $99 for a vanila app that displays an RSS feed.

Would you / your band go down this route?

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1 comment:

metaphormidable said...

Well that explains why there's like 10 billion of them, and everyone and their brother has one... Bands LOVE anything merchandisy or promotion oriented and tend to all like to jump on the latest bandwagons... First it was MySpace then SonicBids now this... Thanks for the info