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Some thoughts from the DopplerPad devs

After all the comments and suggestions we all made about DopplerPad I'm pleased to give you some response from the developers:
I've been reading comments about DopplerPad at Palm Sounds. It's really great to get feedback from users so I thought I would take some time to respond and share some thoughts. We are hoping to submit an update to Apple this week, but I am not going to promise any features.

1) Start Pad A and Pad B in sync: Anytime you tell a Pad to play or record, they should be in sync. We have discovered an issue here and we are working to fix it asap. In our next version, if you press and hold both play buttons and then release, they will both start at the same time in sync.

2) Quantize: DopplerPad is designed to be a live instrument rather then an editor. I am able to get quantizing effects using the gate. I encourage users to try this. Of course it won't help you if you are late.

3) Undo: One of my favorite things about an instrument is the happy accidents that can occur while using it. That said, it's frustrating when you miss one note and mess up the groove. I would love to see an undo that can be used in a musical way. Adding and removing layers would be extremely exciting.

4) Presets (edit filters, waveforms, xy parameter mapping): DopplerPad's main sound generator is a full fledged synthesizer with some really cool features. Internally we have a patch/instrument editor that enables sound designers to build the instruments, but it would take some work to make something that we could include with DopplerPad.

5) Import: This would be extremely useful. It's a matter of deciding the best way to get sounds on the iPhone. I often wish the iPhone would just show up as a USB device, and each App could publish folders where sounds could easily be dropped. FourTrack and Recorder each use wifi sync for getting audio off of the device, and you can use this technique to get audio onto the device, but it's difficult to copy many files at once this way. The other option is a companion application that helps to manage your audio content. We are still discussing the best way to import.

6) Sampler as an instrument: I think we have a few exciting things happening here, but I can't give anything away. ;)

7) Integration with other apps: It's pretty clear that we are going to do what we can to integrate with FourTrack. Personally I'm hoping we can integrate with other great audio apps as well. Import from Noise.io or Beatmaker could be really cool. No official word on when FourTrack integration will be completed, but it is a priority.

...and I am out of time. Back to working on DopplerPad. We are always interested in your feedback. Keep it coming!

So, some good things to look forward to from DopplerPad, but as always developers don't like to give up exactly what they have in the pipe and why should they?

DopplerPad at the app store:

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