iPhone App Directory

Happy Halloween! Free Animoog Presets

Animoog - Moog Music Inc.

iPads at the Apple Store

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Those are some scary Thingamagoops

From the Bleeplabs Facebook page.

Thingamagoops on eBay

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Jordan Rudess Geo Synthesizer Sound Demo Pt. 2

Geo Synthesizer - Jordan Rudess: Wizdom Music, LLC

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What MIDI Interface are Vinclaro using?

According to Vinclaro (makers of Symphonix Evolution) the best MIDI adapter so far is the iRig MIDI. You can read their blog to find out why.

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Tutorial Geo Synthesizer para iOS: parte 1/3

Geo Synthesizer - Jordan Rudess: Wizdom Music, LLC

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iPhone & YouTube Undiscovered Talents MashUp

Songineer™ - Instant Composer - Amidio Inc.

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18 Strings, 1 PitchBot

PitchBot - Smart Chromatic Tuner - Yonac Inc.

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Real Beat by mcoffman with RealBeat for the iPad

Real Beat.wav by mcoffman

RealBeat - joerg piringer

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GravSynth price drop

GravSynth is down from $1.99 to $0.99.

GravSynth - KAYAC Inc.

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Jordan Rudess Geo Synthesizer Sound Demo Pt.1

Geo Synthesizer - Jordan Rudess: Wizdom Music, LLC

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iOS Musician: Tabletop Tips

More tabletop tips from from iOS Musician.

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iPad / iPhone Music Studio Jam - MusicBox - BabyHands (SoundPrism)

SoundPrism Pro - Audanika GmbH

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iKaossilator Funk by MyklH

Kaossilator Funk by MyklH

KORG iKaossilator - KORG INC.

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Axiom by distraub

Axiom by distraub

This has some great production to it and shows just how good an all iOS track can be. Here's what distraub says about the piece:

New Negative Format track Axiom, created entirely in iOS with (Nanostudio, Sunrizer, and Animoog).

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How to Make a Noise: Analog, Frequency Modulation, and Sample-Based Synthesis

You might remember Simon Cann's book on iPads synths that was released quite a while back now. Well, on the 1st of November he's got some new books coming to iBooks on synths, and the video gives you a taste of what they're about.

Simon Cann

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iPhase ios application - DEMO

This is a slightly older version of this app and I think it's had a significant update since the video was shot.

iPhase - Mikael Holmqvist

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Genome update on the way

 More great features come in GMS;

It’s been a long time coming, but the next update will offer many improvements and fixes. Here’s what you can look forward to:
  • Fixed: issues with recording chords
  • Added: Audio latency configuration
  • Changed initialization code (crash fixed?)
  • Added support for Song Continue messages
  • Added Support for Song Position messages.
  • Song mode will set the song step according to the song position
  • Fixed: app drops last note when first note is the same note
  • Fixed: vel slider – updates whenever touch drags over even if not clicked
  • Enabled midi keyboard while song is playing for CoreMIDI (not line6 mk I)
  • Feature: Program change
  • Add button for Insert Specific CC
  • Add a button for ‘Send it now’ (for cc, on insert specific panel)
  • Remove/grey out ‘genome’ from list of connections
  • Fixed issue with Genome’s virtual output not sending MIDI, made it so you can’t connect Genome to itself
  • Pressing export inside the pattern editor exports JUST that pattern not all the patterns in that track
  • Swapped dark / light colors on note rows for pattern editor (black keys are now black..)
  • Track export now exports a Type 1 midi file instead of 2 for compatibility
  • Fixed: when fully zoomed, can’t scroll to end of pattern
  • Added Note range Select
  • Added missing time bar selection ability for CC editing
Genome MIDI Sequencer - White Noise Audio Software

iPads at the Apple Store

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76 Synthesizer for iPad

76 Synthesizer - Never Be Normal

iPads at the Apple Store

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ToneBox price drop

ToneBox is also down from $1.99 to $0.99.

ToneBox - Shinobi Corp

iPads at the Apple Store

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ToneBox Mini price drop

ToneBox Mini is down from $1.99 to $0.99.

ToneBox Mini - Shinobi Corp

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A little example of using Video Star

I promised yesterday that I'd post a sample to show how to use Video Star. This is a video I took in a cafe and took a couple of minutes to make.

The really useful feature in Video Star is being able to roll your own effects and then switch between them live as you record some video. For $0.99 I'm not sure you could do better.

Video Star - Frontier Design Group

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iPhase (is free)

I'm not sure if I saw this when it first came out, but even if I did it is free at the moment and worth a look. Here's all about iPhase:

!!!!!!!FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
iPhase is a generative music application made by Mikael Holmqvist.

Create amazing beats and melodies with the swipe of your fingers and watch it bounce back and forth on the iPhase grid. Choose from 5 different instruments and drum kits and 14 different musical scales.

Make sure to use loudspeakers or headphones for best possible sound quality!

  • Make more complex and better sounding beats with "bounceEdges"
  • Save/Load function
  • SHARE your beats to the iPhase Community and listen/play along/vote for others.
  • Play iPhase arcade modes
  • SWIPE in any direction to create a TONE. Tones are higher towards the top and right side of the grid. The tones will move on the grid in the swipe direction and continue bouncing between the edges of the grid and the start position of the tone. Every grid edge have its own instrument and you can change the setup whenever you want using the instrument buttons.
  • TAP the grid to create a BOUNCE EDGE. When a tone hit a bounce edge, it will turn 90 degrees and change instrument. Tap again to change the orientation of the bounce edge and tap a third time to remove the bounce edge from the grid.
  • The tones are arranged in PENTATONIC MUSICAL SCALES which makes every swipe sound good. You can change the scales choosing from a total of 14 major and minor scales - the possibilities are endless!
  • Use the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON to pause your beat. Tones can still be created in pause mode and this can be used to make your beat more precise.
  • Use the LOOP MODE TOGGLE BUTTON to switch loop mode on and off. This can be used to first create a cool beat in loop mode and then switch it off to start playing some melody to your beat.
  • SHAKE your device to create a RANDOM BEAT. Good when you run out of ideas and want some inspiration from chance.
  • SAVE your beats with the SAVE BUTTON. They will then be found in "my saved beats" on the main menu.

One of the biggest new features of iPhase 2.0 is the iPhase Community. Share your beats to the community and listen to (and play along with) others. There is also a rating system and you can vote for beats on a scale from 1-5.

  • There are 2 new arcade modes available in iPhase 2.0. Standard arcade mode is a memory game ála "Simon Says".
  • The second arcade mode is called π-mode and is not unlocked until you score 30 points or more in arcade mode.
  • TOP 10 high scores from both arcade modes will be shown in the iPhase Community!
ENJOY!! and remember to use headphones/loudspeakers for best sound quality!!

What's new
  • MAJOR update, includes
  • SAVE/LOAD function
  • iPhase Community - share your beats online and listen (and play along) with others
  • arcade modes
  • pentatonic musical scales
  • and much more (see description)
iPhase - Mikael Holmqvist

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Click Space lite looks intriguing

This looks like an interesting app, with an odd use of the word 'lite'.

Some kind of a glitch 5 track groovebox.
For each track you may assign volume, pan, gate, speed (pitch), attack and decay times. 25 samples.
Also there is a master effect unit with LP distortion, digital lofi effect, and a short delay.

The interesting thing (which differs this app from other grooveboxes) is shuffle editor. You may define overall shuffling pattern in addition to common beat pattern. So you could make some jazzy grace notes and non staight beats.

There is some kind of an automation for pitch. You could setup it's variation to bring more life into your beat sequence.

The word "lite" means it has NO RECORDING (only pattern saving) and song editor yet.

Stay tuned for updates!

The developer's site goes on to say that he's planning to implement ACP and more.

The app is priced at $1.99.

Click Space lite - Itheme

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monotron in case

Monotrons on eBay

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Pocket Piano MIDI

Pocket Piano MIDI from Critter & Guitari on Vimeo.

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