Aurora Sound Studio HD has arrived and looks amazing! Here's the additional features over the iPhone version:
- Full screen 14 Channel Mixer
- New Effects Rack View
- Ability to Solo and Mute Individual Layers
- New Layer Mix Palette
- Synth Engine Features Combined into Single Screen
- File Sharing via iTunes and FTP
- Use Accelerometer to Control XY Mode
- Upload and Share Songs on the Online Song Library
- 4 Independent Engines - Drum Machine, Analog Synth, Pad Synth and Sampler
- Inbuilt Sample Recording
- Export Songs as WAV and AAC
- Layer Automation
- Splice and Dice Audio with Atomizer Mode
- 9 Effects including – Delay, Reverb, Chorus etc
![Aurora Sound Studio](http://ax.phobos.apple.com.edgesuite.net/images/badgeitunes61x15dark.gif)
I would have paid $19.99 (kinda what I was expecting) but the price of $39.99 is going to stop me from buying this. I have the iPhone version which will keep me happy until the price drops on the iPad version to something a little more reasonable.
$10...... TOPS.
Nearly $50 Australian? Sorry, too rich for me.
Has anyone taken the plunge?
Is there any improved functionality or sound quality over the iPhone version or is it simply erganomics - mixer, synth on one page, HD graphics?
Seems an awful lot to pay if you already own the iPhone App.
Maybe this is the point where we have to decide which "istudio" we're going to support as they will no longer be priced as disposable software?
Too much for me.
Looks nice, but more of a novelty that I'd use a few times for some inspiration. Trouble is it is priced higher than even the "serious" iPad music apps.
I can (and did) spend a thousand dollars on an iPad but I can (and will) still say no to a fourty dollar music app.
That's really INSANE price. I've been waiting for this app almost 1 month and checking everyday. At least they should think some international customers. For myself $39 makes 65 TL in my country.
I agree on the price. I was ready to pull the trigger until I saw that price. Already tweeted them, maybe they will reconsider.
Yep, far too expensive..
Maybe at least an 'introductory' reduced price for maniacs like us who will then spread the word!
Um, moxMatrix is a grid matrix sequencer that can ~import~ your own samples... $4.99
I wanted this one pretty bad. But not that bad.
was looking forward to purchasing this for a while, got excited when @palmsounds posted that we'd see it in the app store for the next day. I'm incredibly disappointed at the price. I understand software development takes time and resources and the developers need compensation but $40 is just too much for me.
£9.99 tops and only if there is a lite version to try first ( with advance mode) otherwise they can keep it.
I am really sick of buying apps that do not deliver, and out of about 40 music apps that I have bought only 10 ever get used.
Amazing how many responses this subject has gotten. A message is being sent and if 4pockets doesn't listen then I would be shocked. The people who frequent this forum are probably the biggest purchasers of music apps in the Apple Store ..... we love our music apps but are not downright stupid when it comes to price. 14 comments have been cast so far and my guess is that all of those 14 who responded would hae made the purchase for a reasonable cost .... so do the math .... zero sales = zero profits. Cut the price in half and there would be sales for what I believe to be a quality app but then .... how would I really know because no one will buy it and post a review!
check out this amazing video to Aurora on iPad. looks very good
well, i've paid ca. 24 eur for the WM version 7 Months ago and it was every cent worth. i can easily remix my old stuff and create some new stuff on the road. It is not CPU/battery hungry, the effects are OK to create raw patterns. The synths are good, too, especially the SEQ-Modulator and FM Function.
OK, I'd like to have some more synth functions, a better sample editor, a graphic song sequencerlike in Sunvox and some more untility functions. But I can work with this great piece of software.
This is far cheaper than a Tenori On - I've just bought it.
Note, it's 22KHz by default. There is an option for 44KHz, but a warning of possible stutter...
Not yet plugged into my studio, so can't vouch for sound quality, but sounded alright with the built-in speakers.
Too busy to play with it at the moment, but I've got my tenori AND iPad for less than a Tenori.
Happy camper here.
It's cheaper than a Tenori-On, but is it a Tenori-On? By which I mean, does it offer any sequencing / performance modes beyond the standard X/Y left-to-right grid?
I've owned a Tenori, and a good part of its charm comes from the other editing modes - particularly bounce and random, and especially particularly the ability to spin the random pattern.
I see a lot of Tenori-a-likes in the App Store, but they all seem to stick to the one sequencing method, which is a shame...
I tweeted the creators to see if Aurora had any other modes (it's not clear from their site / videos) but, alas, no reply.
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