iPhone App Directory

New apps coming from iBeatmaker

There's a couple of really good new apps in the pipelines from the maker of Equalizer and Reverb. A multiband compressor and an audio editor. Whilst that might sound interesting, the really good part is that they'll be likely to have both ioLibrary and audio copy / paste support which will mean being able to move audio around a much bigger range of apps than before.

Equalizer at the app store:


Anonymous said...

How do know they are good? Have you tried them? If so, give us more information. Thanks.

ashley said...

Sadly I haven't, but I'm hoping that they're are as good as the previous 2 apps.

I think that the big benefit will be the ability to use ioLibrary and audio copy / paste with an audio editor to move sounds around

Anonymous said...

What's up with * Guitar Pro 1.5 and * Piano Pro 1.4 updates both stating "removes ioLibrary cross-app functionality"??? Is there something we should know about the future of ioLibrary?
