You might of guessed that I'm doing a little series of mini reviews of the apps I enjoy using. Today is miniSynth.
I've been using MiniSynth since it was first released. In fact, miniSynth was one of the first iPhone music making apps available. Yonac, developer of this great app, have kept it up to date and fresh since it was released.
I've enjoyed miniSynth in every release since the beginning, and it is still a great little app. miniSynth is a monosynth with a great tone and range. In some ways it reminds me of some of the old analogue synths I had when I was a kid. It makes great noise and has a beautifully crafted interface too.
If you're experiencing 'new app withdrawal' due to the lack of new stuff coming into the store at the moment you could do a lot worse than checking out miniSynth.
Yonac at the app store:

I noticed they fixed the latency in recent versions. I always wanted to delete it because it wasn't as "snappy" as other synths, but now its pretty good.
Its weird to see how many synths have been released since (to many maybe?)...
I would like to have a single "work surface" that can interact with all those synths. Sometimes they sound good, but the keyboard sucks or they lack some features. Kinda like an internal midi controller.
Oh why oh why no multitasking is permitted.. :P
I deleted Minisynth when Argon was released.
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