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Engadget has a hands on with the iDiscover iPhone keyboard and reveals some more detail:
Sure, there are nifty apps that allow you to simulate a keyboard on your iPhone, but Ion Audio has gone ahead and created a physical one to match the newly announced iType. The iDiscover keyboard, along with the companion iDiscover Keyboard app, has 25 keys and effectively turns your iPhone into a music studio complete with synth-action keys, and pitch and modulation wheels. Better yet, it doubles as a controller for MIDI software on either Mac or PC.

If this is the app that goes with the keyboard then it looks good so far!


velocipede said...

I believe Ion is a consumer brand in the Numark/Alesis/Akai family, hence the Akai synth suite. Hmm, can a pad input be far behind?
Anyway, this looks great.

velocipede said...

Hey that's an MPC and an Andromeda in the background! The icons on-screen suggest a full production setup.

velocipede said...

The keyboard has audio output. Too bad it does not also have inputs...