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iAudioInterface update

Here's an update from Studio Six Digital on the iAudioInterface hardware:
First, we have added a new feature to iAudioInterface, just before releasing the PCB to manufacturing. A lot of people have been asking us to add a stereo line input to this product, or to produce a different product that would have the ability to record high-quality stereo. I'm happy to announce that we have come up with a way to add stereo line in to iAudioInterface.

Just as we switch the output jack between stereo and balanced, we will now be able to switch the input jack between stereo and balanced.

You will still have access to all 3 gain ranges, so this input, while unbalanced, will be suitable for use with professional level signals, say direct from a mixer output, or from any piece of pro gear. And since you can select the gain range, you can also record from a -10 consumer output. This makes professional-level recording available for iPhone and iPod touch.

And of course this will also let us do a few more tricks in software -- X-Y mode for the audio scope, and relative phase between 2 signals, to name a couple.

For more information about iAudioInterface, including new photos, click here:


Our second announcement is that we have scheduled our first production run with our factory, and also opened up the pre-orders. The order form can be found here on our website:


Our first production run will be limited, so if you want to be guaranteed to receieve one from this run, please check out our pre-order form.

We are still waiting for Apple to release AudioTools 1.3, which contains Impulse Response, SPL Traffic Light, FFT windowing, and bug fixes. We're hoping that it is soon, but we don't know for sure.

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