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Try Android on your NetBook

If you're a netbook user and fancy trying out Android on your device, why not try LiveAndroid? This project is only in alpha right now, but you can try Android out from a CD or inside a virtualisation.

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Tom said...

That's really cool! Being able to run it on any old PC you have lying around is sure to help attract developers. Thanks for the heads up.

ashley said...

Glad it is useful to you. If you use it can you let me know what it is like? I'd be interested to know as I've been sitting on the fence with netbooks for ages.

Tom said...

I fired it up in VirtualBox - just like using a G1!

Not sure it's really appropriate for a machine without a touchscreen; Moblin is a better fit for the netbooks.

I still haven't jumped on the netbook bandwagon myself. I have an ancient ThinkPad 240 for writing & coding and a slightly more recent Toshiba Portege for making music - they still meet my needs just fine.

Anonymous said...

Still not sure about the netbook as a music platform irrespective of OS

Anonymous said...

Why not wait for the apple onw?