After a few days of using DopplerPad I can safely say I'm hooked. It is a lot like using a software Kaossilator, but with more features.
However, I'm guessing that like me you've probably got a list of things you'd like to see from DopplerPad, so why don't we make a list of the features we'd like to see get into the next and subsequent releases.
I'll start off with a couple:
1. I'd like to be able to clear the last instrument recorded to a loop without clearing the whole loop.
2. I'd like to be able to save the track / song etc (and retrieve it of course).
So, what would you like to see? Comment in your features and we'll see what the devs say.
DopplerPad at the app store:

The option to start A & B parts in sync would be great.
And quantising: )
cheers : )
You can kind of quantize using the arp/gate but I agree proper quantization would be cool. I think patch editing with X/Y parameter mapping would be cool. An interactive FX section also.
I'd like quantize and clear last instrument only
Longer loop times, multiple levels of undo, editing capabilities for the sounds (filters, waveforms, etc), import your own sounds, efx, accelerometer efx? (Why not). Pretty cool start though.
For me, the ability to record and export compositions from the mixer is the most important feature to add.
As far neat features, I would really love the option to use the sampler as an instrument (pitch shifting samples up and down for notes). Ideally, the sampler instrument could import sounds from something like Noise.io.
I'm guessing that the export feature will be via FourTrack.
metronome metronome metronome...and what everyone else said :D
it would be nice to have an arp/gate browser and maybe some predefined patterns, along with the ability to save patterns. You know, like the Kaossilator!
compatibility with Amidio's ioLibrary >.>
They don't seem to have taken much notice of what you said. Maybe not enough people are reading your blog?
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