iPhone App Directory

DreamsOfWires - Laplace Resonator Synth (iPad) (video)

Video description:

"Someone asked me what apps I have/like/use, so I thought I'd do some videos featuring them in the future. Besides, I'm broke and having to sell some of my hardware instruments, so it'll probably do me good to investigate bankrupt-proof music making possibilities. Among the many apps I've been impressed with is Laplace. This video does nothing to demonstrate the kind of resonant sounds that the app does best, but I was just messing around with it and this fell out. So I recorded it. No additional effects or post-processing was used, just its arpeggiator, built-in reverb and delay. The patch was made by me, starting from a new, empty patch.
The video is of the Imperial War museum at Duxford (UK). Sorry about the wonky horizons, it weren't my fault, the world kept moving.
The hot, steaming noodles are courtesy of Thailand and contain no musical content."

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