iPhone App Directory

Loopy and Loopy HD updated

Here's what's new in these:
  • Added hardware latency controls (the default 256 frames, or super-low 128 frames)
  • Addressed Audiobus port muting policy to avoid silencing output when individual tracks added
  • Show input levels while adjusting input gain on iPhone
  • Allow clock pausing with pending count-in/out actions; perform actions immediately
  • When unpausing by triggering record, start recording immediately, not after a count-in
  • Reset clock when clearing all tracks or re-recording the only track
  • Improved count-out behaviour:
    • (a) properly respect disabled count-out while count-in is on
    • (b) avoid blank gaps at end of loops when punching out shortly before a boundary, by extending recording a little (count-out to next appropriate boundary)
    • (c) count-out has three modes now: enabled, disabled with the behaviour described in (b), and disabled with instant record end.
  • Fixed count-out of second loop when record trigger ends the first loop recording
  • Fixed truncation on loop length indicator on iPhone
  • Few crash fixes

Loopy on the app store:

Loopy HD on the app store:

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