iPhone App Directory

LoopXtreme now has Sonoma Wire Works Audio Copy/Paste

Another app adopts Sonoma Wire Works Audio Copy/Paste. Here's the detail on LoopXtreme:

LoopXtreme: The complete music creation and editing tool for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (in x2).

Create your own music using the combination of looped samples and drum machine style input on the go, whenever you feel inspired.

Now with Sonoma Wire Works Audio Copy/Paste compatibility with other music apps, you can keep your music creation mobile.
Connect to your PA system for live performance or headphones for private composition. The choice is yours.

Use the bundled sounds from the library and combine with your own sounds via WiFi transfer. The possibilities are limitless. A studio in your pocket.

  • Requires iOS 3.1 or later.
  • Fifteen pads for triggering sound samples using three trigger modes, Single shot, Play while Touch and Loop.
  • User control for each individual pad of:
  • Volume, Stereo pan, Equalisation, FX send level and mute.
  • Low pass or High pass filter with individual cutoff control per Pad.
  • Sample start and end points and sample pitch for Single shot and Play while Touch modes.
  • Sample group for Loop mode.
  • Loop sounds play in time even if they have different tempos.
  • Preview sounds before load with beat and tempo syncronisation.
  • All sounds stay in time with tempo changes using pitch shifting.
  • Realtime linear pad touch recording. You can record your tune from start to finish in one pass.
  • Record fader movements with playback automation.
  • Easy navigation to anywhere in your song using the NAV bar, song markers and transport controls.
  • Pattern Editor to easily edit your song data including:
  • Four clipboard editing stores for delete, erase, copy and paste using insert, merge and overwrite options.
  • Editing of pattern data for all pads or selected pads including slider automation data.
  • Set Song Loop points.
  • Export finished mix or part of to wav file and export via WiFi.
  • Export live sounds to wav file.
  • Three pattern record quantise levels.
  • Pattern record undo.
  • Sound Library of Single shot and loop samples.
  • Eight sound banks to organise your sounds in.
  • Demo songs to get you started.
  • WiFi file transfer for wavs and created songs.
  • Save complete song or just your sample kit.
  • Auto loading of your last project.
  • Audio wav output rendered to 16Bit Stereo 44.1KHz.
  • Supported wav loading 16/24Bit, Mono/Stereo, 44.1KHz.
LoopXtreme is priced at $6.99.

LoopXtreme - Extremely Nice Apps

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Turn a mouse pad into an Ardunio-controlled drum pad

If you're into DIY you might like this little project from Make.

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Using AmpKit (but perhaps not as it was meant)

I've been using copy paste a lot lately and I remember seeing a twitter conversation a week or so ago on using AmpKit as an effects processor for clips so I thought I'd give it a try using a drum pattern from MoDrum.

The results? Not bad at all really. You can have a lot of fun making interesting effects chains on your loop using AmpKit. Both the number of effects and the chaining gives loads of options.

I only brought in a loop, but I can see that bringing in longer audio clips could be really useful and give you a lot of scope for processing audio. So this is definitely something I'm going to be using a lot more from now on.

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Photosmith is coming

A new photo app coming to the iPad. Lots of info at the developer's blog. Thanks to iPad Creative

iPads at the Apple Store

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Final reminder for the iMS-20

I wouldn't normally do this but as today is the last day that this app is on sale I thought I'd put a second reminder in as it goes up by a lot after today and if anyone was holding out to the last minute I'd hate for them to have to pay the full price. Remember, after today it goes up to $32.99.


iPads at the Apple Store

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I know that there were a lot of comments about the last app from this developer. This app is priced at %69.99.

iMKS-80 - iControlMIDI

iPads at the Apple Store

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Recording session on the IPAD

StudioTrack - Sonoma Wire Works

iPads at the Apple Store

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What apps am I playing with right now?

I mentioned a while back that I'd give you a quick run down of what I'm playing with at the moment as I've been meaning to do this for a while and a few people have asked as well.
  • Looptastic Producer and HD: Been moving stuff between these two as I make loops for a possible live set
  • bleep!BOX (on iPhone and iPad): Just excellent for lots of little mono sequence loops
  • Xenon: Again, for making loops to fit together
  • iSequence HD: I've been using this for a drum track
  • MoDrum: Fun for patterms
  • DopplerPad: Still love this app, but it could do with an update
On the more experimental front:
  • RJDJ: Using a variety of scenes at odd times. Usually whilst travelling
  • Tondo: Still getting my head around this app
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DIN, not mobile, but very cool

din drones demo from dinja on Vimeo.

How cool would it be if this came to mobile devices?

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Grid Music + Drums

Grid Music + Drums by mdaines

"Playing around with an upcoming addition to Grid Music: drums!"

Grid Music - Michael Daines

iPads at the Apple Store

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Details of NYC's Handmade music event 5th of Feb

CDM has all the detail of this event next week.

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Oh dear

This looks a lot like the pack thing that was more like a baby carrier. Would you wear it?

Via the gadgeteer.

iPads at the Apple Store

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Arduino Park

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Honeycomb event on Wednesday

Mashable tells us that there's going to be a launch of the next Android version from Google at an event on Wednesday. Honeycomb is the first tablet version of the OS, so there might be a lot to look forward to?

I just hope that the audio issues start to get fixed.

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Rob's ideal DJ app spec

Rob publishes his specification for an ideal DJ application. I think it is interesting that some apps have some of the features etc. I seem to find that a lot these days.

It does make me wonder if we shouldn't try crowdsourcing the features of an app from scratch. What do you think? Worthwhile or not?

I'm interested in user and developer views on whether this is worthwhile.

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Sheet Music SoundCloud Recorder

iOS Musician blog post on a new app coming to the iPad for sheet music users. The music is stored in your SoundCloud account and you can record while playing. More at iOS musician.

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korg ds-10 track 63

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Korg iMS-20 still half price but ends today!

Today is the last day that the app is on sale. After today it goes up to $32.99.


iPads at the Apple Store

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Make your own touch screen device

This is really tempting and doesn't seem to complicated to work with. Also the price is really good so maybe I'll give it a go.

If you're into that sort of DIY then you'll find lots of details via the adafruit blog.

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1 Week in. How's the forum doing?

So we've had this forum going for a week now. What do you think? Have you used it? I'd like some feedback on it.

Perhaps we can discuss it in the forum?

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Blarp's Glorius Guts

More on the construction of Blarp from the concretedog.

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Dub Siren Pro on sale

This app is on sale today with the price down from $3.99 to $2.99.

Dub Siren Pro - Sawa Digital LLC

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Screensenvironment update

A very technical update, but nevertheless it is an update on this project, which I think I've been watching for years now!

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TouchAble workshop on the 3rd

Interested in TouchAble. There's a free workshop on the 3rd. Details here.

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Grid Music Promo Code Give Away CLOSED

The Grid Music promo code give away is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered the competition. Codes will go out to the lucky winners in the next few hours.

The answer was Circuit Synth!

Grid Music - Michael Daines

iPads at the Apple Store

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The Real iPad Guitar Part 3 DnB

iPads at the Apple Store

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What's this flattr thing then?

You may notice this little thing at the bottom of posts that's started to creep in. It is a thing called Flattr which I'm trying out. You can find out more about it here.

I'd like some opinions on what you think and whether it should stay or go from the blog.

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Grid Music for iPad — composition basics

Grid Music - Michael Daines

iPads at the Apple Store

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Grid Music Promo Code Give Away

I have 5 promo codes to give away for the excellent Grid Music app. To win a code all you need to do is to answer this question:

"What other music app comes from the developer Grid Music?"

Email your answer to palmsounds.comp@me.com by tomorrow 6pm GMT 30th of Jan. Remember that promo codes now work internationally, so you can enter wherever you are.

Grid Music - Michael Daines

iPads at the Apple Store

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Everyday Looper now universal

The new version of Everyday Looper as a universal app is on the app store!

Everyday Looper - Mancing Dolecules

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Excerpt of "In C"

Grid Music - Michael Daines

iPads at the Apple Store

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